The AGM of the Aberdeen town Sector Police Forum was held recently at the Aberdeen police station. The outgoing chairperson, Samantha Jankovich, gave the sector report on the events of the past two years. Despite repeated requests, the previous committee had been unable to get any involvement from the municipality, but Jankovich stated that she would be on the new committee ex officio as a councilor, so that hopefully some cooperation would now be possible. Some of the previously elected committee had resigned, and other members of the community were co-opted in their places, but unfortunately in the past year, for various reasons, the SPF had not been able to function effectively.
There were however several achievements in the two years. A successful function was the Meet and Greet held at The Homestead, where an informal tea was held for the members of the forum to meet with the top management of the police.. The installation of the community notice board was an initiative of the SPF which has benefitted the community, although it was pointed out that many oversized and out of date notices were often seen. It was suggested that the new committee monitor the board regularly.
Members of the SPF had also visited Aberdeen Primary School for a question and answer session, which proved very fruitful. The dog unit had also performed a demonstration at the school which was very much enjoyed by the children.
The SPF had tried very hard to address the problems at the Fonteinbos nature reserve, requesting regular patrols against poachers and wood theft, but this seems to be an ongoing situation that is difficult to police.
Another area of concern is the lack of available public toilets in town. There are toilets in the town square, but these are always locked. Many people have made attempts to have these open and available without success, and unfortunately there has been no cooperation from the municipality in this regard in the past. It is a serious problem, and there have been many complaints about the leiwater channels being used as toilets.
In March 2010 a letter was sent to the municipal manager requesting permission for a farmers’ market in the town square, where locals could sell fresh produce and crafts, but there has been no response to this.
Jankovich thanked all who had served on the outgoing committee for their hard work, and handed over to Const Akona Mbi, who gave the police report.
Constable Mbi stated that the main problem in the town was housebreaking. In August alone there were seven instances reported, in private homes and business properties. The majority of these offences are committed by young offenders known to the police. Warrant Officer Willie van Zyl then detailed the various cases. The showgrounds have been broken into twice, with doors and windows being stolen. The main problem seems to be that there is no one there at weekends, which is widely known. The police have asked the municipality to provide guards or alarms, but there has been no response. The police are also unable to gain access to the showgrounds to patrol as the gate is locked, and the municipality are not prepared to give a gate key to the police.
Constable Mbi also asked that residents should not give food to the children who come begging at the door. There have been cases where seemingly innocent young children have been sent to see who is at home, and to determine which households are vulnerable. She stressed that there are no homeless children in Aberdeen, although admittedly there is a huge poverty problem. There are several feeding schemes currently in operation, and all primary school children receive a hot meal daily. A gap seems to be that the education department does not have a feeding scheme for secondary schools , and this was seen as a possible project for the new committee.
The establishment of a new SPF then was considered. Nicola Woods was unanimously elected as secretary, and six interested residents were also elected to serve on the committee. Jan Muller, Sonette Muller, Noluthando Witbooi, Isak Job, Meredith Kraut and Daniela Hamblin all indicated their willingness to serve. Const Mbi and w/o van Zyl will continue to act as liaison with the police.
A chairperson for the new SPF will be elected at the next meeting, which will be held at the police station on Tuesday 27th September at 5pm. Anyone else who is interested in serving on the forum is most welcome to attend.

Jan Muller, Nicola Woods, Meredith Kraut, Daniela Hamblin, Isak Job, Const Akona Mbi, Noluthando Witbooi.
Absent: Samantha Jankovich, W/O Willie van Zyl, Sonette Muller