“The Wedding”
The event was organized by Mr Daniel Pieterse, with assistance from other teachers, to raise funds for the Grade 7 tour to Oudtshhorn in November. Each child in the school had to pay R5 to be allowed to watch the wedding ceremony. On hearing that not all children would be able to watch the ceremony as they were unable to pay, Arthur Raymond very generously donated R290 for the remaining 58 children, as he felt that the children were so excited, it would be very disappointing for them if they could not enjoy the rest of the fun.
The festivities started with the whole school watching some dance items which had obviously been well-rehearsed, and several of the younger pupils could not resist joining in. The main event then got underway, the wedding of Fiela Vlooi (played by Phinando Winnaar) to Draadkar de Kok, played by Jenny Damons. Phinando was chosen to play the part of the bride, as he is the smallest boy in the grade, and he looked very “pretty” in his pink outfit. Jenny, who towered over the bride, was a very convincing and handsome groom.
After the procession of the bridal party, dominee Leonor Maulpy performed the ceremony, with many spirited and amusing objections coming from the “guests”. The younger pupils were enthralled, and took great delight in the fancy dress worn by the Grade 7s and some of the teachers.
Special guests Frans Frazenburg and Arthur Raymond then spoke a few words to the school. Frans is an old Aberdonian, having been educated at
The bridal party then moved outside and boarded their wedding vehicles – three donkey carts performed the honours! After posing for the traditional photographs, the donkey carts set off around town, pursued by Grade 7’s with collecting cans, and, it seemed, most of the school.
A grand total of over R1300 was raised, not including the donation from Frans, and this will go a long way towards making the tour a success. Mr Minnaar thanked all who had taken part, and would also like to thank the townsfolk who made donations.
Two of the “lady” guests with Mrs Limador Basson
The wedding party with Andre Lawrence (chairman SGB), Frans Frazenburg and Arthur Raymond
The bride and groom head off on the donkey cart