Club 60 Christmas Party
Members of
Administrator Debbie Barnhardt first introduced Ian Hamblin from the Aberdeen Town Sector Police Forum. Mamblin explained the role of the SPF, and explained the importance of knowing one’s neighbours, and being alert to possible problems. The SPF had drawn up a list of useful emergency contact numbers, which was handed out to all present.
Dawn Woods then read a humorous story about Christmas, which was enjoyed by everyone. Next “on stage” were Martie and Eward Swanepoel, who entertained everyone with songs from the sixties. Drinks and snacks were then served, and Theretha Janash presented each member with a pack of biscuits.
Club meetings will resume towards the end of January, with the date and time to be confirmed. Watch this space!
Katriena Kemp and Lettie Cedras with Debbie Barnhardt
Ladies enjoying the party Nettie Smuts, Issie Janse van Rensburg, Gail Meneses
Debbie Barnhardt with Ian Hamblin, chairman of the sector one SPF