(fltr) Supt. Siyaya, Ayanda Tyokwana,
Alfred Mangcingwana, Capt. Minnaar
In line with the new formalised approach to community policing by the Department of Safety and Liaison, the election was overseen by two representatives from the Department, Alfred Mangcingwana and Ayanda Tyokwana. In addition, observers were sent from the Graaff-Reinet cluster including Superintendant Siyaya, Inspector Theron and Inspector Van Rooyen. Inspector Stofile and Inspector Dunster, representing SAPS in Somerset East and Pearston respectively, also attended the meeting.
Mr Mangcingwana opened the meeting by outlining the roles and responsibilities of the CPF and highlighted the importance of three pronged approach to community policing involving the CPF, the Department of Safety and Liaison and SAPS in combating crime.
Mr Tyokwana then co-ordinated the voting, which was held via a secret ballot. Only those present from the various stakeholders were eligible for election.
Aberdeen CPF Executive Committee
Back (fltr): Supt. Siyaya, Moses Dunjana, Lucky Mahale, Funeka Maya, Jackie McMahon, Capt. Minnaar
Front (fltr): Sandiswa Alam, Masterboy Blaai, Thembisa Nonnies, Samantha Jankovich
The Aberdeen CPF committee comprises:
Chairperson: Masterboy Blaai
Vice-Chairperson: Thembisa Nonnies
Secretary: Samantha Jankovich
Treasurer: Jackie McMahon
Public Relations Officer: Moses Dunjana
Additional committee members: Lucky Mahale, Funekwa Maya and Sandiswa Alam
Ex Officio members: Ward Councillors Vuyisile Jacobs and Maureen Jacobs
Captain Minnaar, Station Commissioner of the Aberdeen Police Station wished the committee luck and reinforced the responsibility with which the committee had been entrusted on behalf of the community. He went on to state that within that function, the CPF would be the moral guardians of the community and that those values which they teach in their own homes should be enforced within the community.
Superintendant Siyaya, on behalf of Director Trollip, congratulated the new committee. She reiterated the call for the return of values to the community and emphasized the partnership and joint problem solving role of the CPF in conjunction with SAPS.
Article By: Samantha Jankovich