The fig trees which, in their first year of planting produced a few valued and cherished figs are also producing tiny green points at the end of all their branches.
A very old lemon tree which has been resuscitated against all odds has given one lemon, and it looks as though it is trying to produce a few more.
The Karoo garden which was only started last year with the enormous help and advice of a neighbour and friend has given great joy this winter with the flowering of different types of cacti. This garden too looks as though it is experiencing new growth and although the winds blow heaps of dust around the little town, it is accepted by all as being that time of the year. People are out walking their dogs a little earlier in the mornings, and there is talk of summer holidays, and even Christmas. Spring is always the best time of the year as new hope, fresh starts in life, new friendships and lazy Saturday afternoons are definitely on the way and all because the peachy blossoms are appearing on the fruit trees.
Article By: Joan Tinker