David Miller explained to the club members, that with the expert assistance and structural gardening knowledge of Dan Louw of ‘Springfield’ in Aberdeen, Meredith’s garden has become a garden of destiny in growth or “a promise around every corner”. He congratulated them all on the work done, and thanked Colin and Meredith for being such gracious hosts.
This shady garden has magnificent old fruit bearing trees growing alongside newer ones. Succulents, cacti, rosemary bushes, roses, grape vines and a large covered vegetable garden are just a few of this garden’s treasures. A covered awning sheltering guests from the Karoo sun, bird feeders and bird baths under shady trees, along with large owl structures make this garden interesting and welcoming. Jadre Lategan thanked all those present on behalf of the committee for their assistance during the previous year, and their contributions to Alwynhof. Denise Weldon kindly gave a spiritual thought for the day.
Mr Braam Basson of the Forestry Department gave an interesting insight into alien plants, declared weeds, and invaders, some of which are difficult to eradicate. Some of these alien plants are poisonous and many are found in disturbed areas. Mr Basson presented each member with a catalogue showing clear pictures and descriptions of alien and invasive plants as a guide line to identify them. A list of common alien weeds and invasive plants found in the Karoo was also presented and discussed. A complete guide to all declared weeds and invaders in South Africa has been written as a handbook by Lesley Henderson.
Article By: Joan Tinker