This gift, curio and antique outlet on the main road into Aberdeen displays signage which is attractive and self explanatory.
The story behind the idea of opening this shop in Aberdeen was created over a year ago when Meredith and husband Colin Kraut both from Durban, came to Aberdeen to visit friends and consequently celebrated a birthday party in the town. The Krauts stayed at a B&B in Aberdeen as the first guests of Mike de Villiers and Lan Meyers, and so a friendship began and has since developed into a partnership.
Over the years Mike and Lan Meyers together had three fully furnished houses before coming to Aberdeen, and a great deal of ‘Serendipity’s collection of artistic objects have come from this wonderful collection.
Meredith has a unique gift of interior design, and her contribution to the shop has been wonderful buys over the years in her own unique and personal taste.
Their combined message to their friends, the local people of Aberdeen, and those fortunate tourists, who venture into Aberdeen on their passage through the Karoo, is to make ‘Serendipity’ a fun place to pop into where one can socialize and meet friends.
Article By: Joan Tinker