
This weblog is a portal for news and items of general interest from the town of Aberdeen in the Camdeboo area of the Cacadu district of the Eastern Cape, South Africa. The weblog's overiding purpose is to publicise the town and promote tourism in the region.

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Thanks to our many readers and supporters from all around the world for their words of encouragement - enjoy the news from Aberdeen.

The opinions expressed here are not necessarily those of the Webmaster.


Wednesday, November 11, 2009

New 3-Shop "Combo" Opens In Aberdeen

This afternoon, “Serendipity”, one of the three new shops in Aberdeen, opened its doors to friends and the local people of Aberdeen.
This gift, curio and antique outlet on the main road into Aberdeen displays signage which is attractive and self explanatory.
The story behind the idea of opening this shop in Aberdeen was created over a year ago when Meredith and husband Colin Kraut both from Durban, came to Aberdeen to visit friends and consequently celebrated a birthday party in the town. The Krauts stayed at a B&B in Aberdeen as the first guests of Mike de Villiers and Lan Meyers, and so a friendship began and has since developed into a partnership.

Mike de Villiers with Mrs Petro Smal of Hermanus and Meredith Kraut

Mike de Villiers decided to come to Aberdeen after living in Sedgefield in the Western Cape to downgrade from a busy career to live in a quieter environment.
Over the years Mike and Lan Meyers together had three fully furnished houses before coming to Aberdeen, and a great deal of ‘Serendipity’s collection of artistic objects have come from this wonderful collection.
Meredith has a unique gift of interior design, and her contribution to the shop has been wonderful buys over the years in her own unique and personal taste.
Their combined message to their friends, the local people of Aberdeen, and those fortunate tourists, who venture into Aberdeen on their passage through the Karoo, is to make ‘Serendipity’ a fun place to pop into where one can socialize and meet friends.

Article By: Joan Tinker

44th Birthday Celebrated In Style!

(fltr) Merl Malgas, Annmaer Beyers, Gladys Cixido,
Esmé Finnis (Manager), David de Jager, & Connie Dolf

One of the local shops in Aberdeen celebrated an achievement of being in business for 44 years this month. All the employees of the store, who are always very motivated by their manager Esmé Finnis, looked very festive.
A stage had been erected outside the store, and young dancers entertained the crowd with synchronized dancing to music.

Article By: Joan Tinker

Aberdeen DA Branch AGM

The DA Branch of Aberdeen held its first Annual General Meeting on Tuesday, 3 November, after having been launched in April this year.
The meeting was well-attended, despite it being All Pay and the election was overseen by Councillor Arthur Knott-Craig, who acted as Presiding Officer for the election. Councillor Knott-Craig also took this opportunity to congratulate the DA members in Aberdeen for their proactive approach in addressing problems and issues and bringing these to the attention of the Council for resolution.
In her Chairperson's Report, Samantha Jankovich highlighted a number of achievements of the DA in Aberdeen, despite their having been in existence for a little over 6 months, including an undertaking by the Municipality to resolve the lighting issues in Lotusville – a long-standing problem having a direct bearing on crime in the area.
For the first time ever, the Aberdeen branch of the DA will be represented at the DA Eastern Cape Provincial Congress which will be held in Graaff-Reinet over 13 and 14 November 2009. This will provide a platform for the airing and discussion of some of the issues currently faced by the people of Aberdeen.
The new executive consists of Samantha Jankovich (re-elected as Chairperson), Chris Africa (re-elected as Vice-Chairperson), Menandy Stols (Secretary), Nikolas Jankovich (re-elected), Jane Saayman (re-elected), George Eberbach, Deodatt Beyers, Eileen Coetzee and Carolina Heyns.

Article By: Samantha Jankovich

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Interesting Stalls At The Aberdeen Kuddedag

Jan-Hendrik Jordaan

Two stalls at the Aberdeen Kuddedag were worthy of mention in their style and content.
Jan-Hendrik Jordaan had taken enormous initiative in the arrangement of the beautifully crafted mirrors he had on display. The arrangement and diversity of the mirrors was worthy of a larger showcase than Aberdeen.
The mirrors are set in frames made from Yellowwood, Cypress and Blackwood, and these frames are crafted cleverly with the wood grain. On a few of the frames, Jan-Hendrik has used a special technique which takes about four months to achieve, giving an almost antique appearance to the frame.
The Blackwood and Yellowwood he uses comes from an area near George, whilst the Cypress and Pine he buys from Mosselbay. Poplar is also a good wood to work with as it does not splinter.
Jan-Hendrik has been crafting wood frames with all its different techniques for nine years.

Suzette Laux with Ester Scholtz of Hadassah Textiles

The other stall worthy of mention was that of Ester Scholtz. This incredibly enterprising, talented and versatile textile artist from Graaff-Reinet has much to offer in the diversity of her designs and achievements. Ester studied textile design at the University of Pretoria. She has studied fashion and interior design in the U.K., Germany, and France. Diversity is obviously her forte, as her accomplishments include carpet and children’s clothing designs, and the ‘one-off ‘ range of cushion covers which she designed for a large chain of stores through out South Africa, are beautiful in both colour and design.
At the Mohair Exhibition on display, were curtain and table cloth material with stories of the Karoo woven into them. Pictures of the surrounding towns and even local farmer’s names have been woven into the cloth.
Both Jan-Hendrik and Ester bring expertise and accomplishment to this part of the Karoo.

Article By: Joan Tinker

Aberdeen Garden Club At “Louisan” Farm

On Thursday 5th November Toesie and Hommie Slabbert were hosts on their farm "Louisan" to the Aberdeen Garden Club. When the members and guests arrived at the farm, they enjoyed an early tea. This took place in Toesie’s beautifully structured garden, under a large willow and wild mulberry tree. The magnificent back drop to this peacefully green environment is the Camdeboo mountain range.
Anna Featherstone welcomed everyone, and gave a short talk on an insight into alien and invasive plants in Africa, and more specifically the Karoo.
A presidential report on the Club’s activities for 2009 was read, which was impressive in content as to the club’s achievements during the year.
In lieu of a Christmas celebration, the Club members decided to make donations to Alwynhof in Aberdeen. Padgie Pienaar was delighted to report that a substantial amount had been donated.
Denise Weldon gave the members an inspiring ‘thought for the day’, and a new committee was elected to serve the Club in 2010.
A finger lunch was served and Wendy Van Schalkwyk then thanked Toesie and Hommie Slabbert for their very kind hospitality.

Article By: Joan Tinker