
This weblog is a portal for news and items of general interest from the town of Aberdeen in the Camdeboo area of the Cacadu district of the Eastern Cape, South Africa. The weblog's overiding purpose is to publicise the town and promote tourism in the region.

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Thanks to our many readers and supporters from all around the world for their words of encouragement - enjoy the news from Aberdeen.

The opinions expressed here are not necessarily those of the Webmaster.


Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Kamdeboo Primere Skool - Lotusville

At assembly before the start of the school day, the newly elected learners of Grade 7 to be Head Boy, Head Girl and their deputies, were presented to the school by the Principal Mr W.J. Safers and the Vice Principal Mr P.T. Safers. Apart from setting a disciplined example to the rest of the school, their duties will focus on leadership, assistance to their fellow learners, and a line of communication to all the teachers from the learners.
The photograph shows The Principal Mr W.J. Safers, Vice-Principal Mr P.T. Safers, Head Boy Raymonde Miller, Vice-Head Boy Wayne Dikana, Head Girl Ivana Green and Vice-Head Girl Melissa Saayman.

Article By: Joan Tinker

Aberdeen Bowls Club AGM

The Aberdeen Bowls Club held their Annual General Meeting on the 24 February. It was agreed by all that 2008 was a very successful year competitively and financially for the club - for which their ongoing President, Tony Featherstone, thanks all players, supporters and sponsors.
A new committee for 2009 has now been elected.

As pictured above, they are:
[Back row] Piet Botes – Competition Secretary, Marianne Meijer – Treasurer, Adri Verwey – Committee Member and Michael Brown – Secretary.
[Front row] Tony Featherstone – President, Marty Swanepoel – Committee Member, Yvonne Moore – Vice President and Anita Lategan – Committee Member

Report By: Michael Brown (Club Secretary)