Katriena Kemp with Ray Holdt
Lettie Cedras and Jane oosthuizen enjoy the Boeremusiek
Henk and Tina Kok with Aalwynhof resident Lettie Cedras on her new bed from the Netherlands
Aalwynhof Old Age Home in
On arrival the Koks, accompanied by Daphlene Eksteen, were met by Debbie Barnhardt of Aalwynhof, who showed them around the home. Both Henk and Tina were very impressed by the cleanliness and spaciousness of the home, and the general atmosphere of caring that they felt. Tina in particular was very interested to hear about the general running of the home, as she is very involved in working with old age homes in her home town. Members of Aalwynhof staff were amazed to hear that in the
On the morning of the Koks’ visit, a local resident volunteer, Ray Holdt, had the more mobile residents involved in some fun activities in the main lounge. A local farmer had loaned Holdt several Boeremusiek cd’s, from which he had compiled a programme of music to appeal to the residents. When The Advertiser arrived to meet the Koks, Holdt was to be seen twirling assorted old ladies around a makeshift dance floor! The ladies were loving every minute of it, and one lady was thrilled to be waltzed around in her wheelchair, with a look of sheer delight on her face. After the exertions of the dance floor, Holdt grouped all the residents on chairs in a circle, and played a game of catch with them with a large soft beachball. It was wonderful to see the smiles on the faces of the residents, and there was much laughing when the ball was dropped or knocked “out of play”! Those in wheelchairs were not left out, and even one lady whose movements were severely restricted was able to gently throw the ball, with a great sense of achievement. This is a new initiative from Holdt, and seeing the obvious enjoyment of the residents, it is hoped that it will be a regular activity at the home.
The Koks left