The cyclists and their support team arrived in Aberdeen on Thursday evening, after a gruelling ride from Willowmore. With over 600km covered in six days they were more than ready for their first rest day, and enjoyed the tranquillity and history of our beautiful town. Jean Watermeyer from the publicity office organised various visits for them, including a fascinating tour by David Millar of the well-known church panels.

Here is an extract from Dieter’s log from day 7 of their trip:
The significance of this Road Trip is highlighted by certain experiences – An arthritic lady from Outdshoorn, whose husband wanted to purchase her a bike, but could not because her arthritic hands could not close over the brake. The significance of this tale rang true when the previous day the two girls experienced the same condition but not from arthritis but the freezing conditions.

“I have always wanted to do a ride like this and when I got the opportunity to do it and at the same time achieve something for a good cause I could not turn down the offer. A ride like this for regular folk like us will definitely be a challenge and we will at times be out of our comfort zones, but our discomfort can not compare to that experienced by arthritis/cancer patients. I am honoured to be able to be out of my comfort zone so that I can make a difference for those affected by arthritis/cancer”
More about the group can be found on their website www.home2home.co.za, and anyone wishing to make a donation to this very worthy cause can find details there.
Article By: Peter Shaw