Eighty-eight selected learners from Grades 7-11 from the above schools took part in an exercise of ‘Reading Unseen Work’ (unprepared oral) in Xhosa, English, and Afrikaans, which they read out to and were individually judged by a panel of four judges.
The judges for the competition were Mr Henry Jantjies, Councilor Vuysile Jacobs, Councilor Maureen Jacobs and Miss Nomawongo Ngube. The M.C. of the competition was Mrs Lydia Koopman, assisted by Mr Ruiters and Mrs Val Denham the Aberdeen Librarian being the organizer.
The finalists chosen would be three learners from each language group, who would receive a certificate of their reading competence, and would proceed to take part in the next round of ‘Reading Unseen Work’ in Port Alfred on the 11 March 2010. The final stage of this competition is to take place in Queenstown.

The learners were obviously enjoying the occasion. They clapped their fellow competitors enthusiastically and they were quiet and well mannered and listened intently when all the readings were taking place. It is hoped that in future reading competitions a microphone might be used, as the acoustics of the library hall do not allow the learner with a quiet voice to be heard at the back of the library hall.
Article By: Joan Tinker