
This weblog is a portal for news and items of general interest from the town of Aberdeen in the Camdeboo area of the Cacadu district of the Eastern Cape, South Africa. The weblog's overiding purpose is to publicise the town and promote tourism in the region.

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Thanks to our many readers and supporters from all around the world for their words of encouragement - enjoy the news from Aberdeen.

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Thursday, March 3, 2011

Aberdeen Garden Club Back in Action!

The first meeting of the Aberdeen Garden Club for 2011 was held once again in the lush and fertile garden of Tohito Guest House. This garden is always a pleasure to explore, and the recent good rains have made it an absolute delight.

Secretary Jadré Lategan welcomed twenty members and quickly dealt with the routine meeting business. Being the February meeting, just before Valentines Day, many members had opted to come dressed for the occasion! Sue read out some details on the origins of the traditions of Valentines Day, and some poetry, both traditional and light. Denise gave a thoughtful reading about the magnificence of trees – very apt as the guest speaker is an expert on forestry. Jadré had found an article in a magazine that caused many ribald comments from the men present – details of a cake baked and decorated in the shape of ladies underwear!

Guest speaker Mr Chris Kromhout of Murraysburg with Mabel Joubert of Tohito Guest House

The guest speaker, Mr Chris Kromhout, then gave a most interesting talk on the history of forestry in South Africa. When Jan van Riebeeck first arrived in the Cape, he had brought sawn timber in his ship to build housing but, as the settlements in the Cape expanded, the settlers had to look further and further to the east to find local timber. Members were fascinated to hear that the first forestry regulations came into effect as long ago as 1883. Kromhout has a wealth of knowledge on the subject of forestry as he has worked all over the country in various aspects of the discipline. He was very involved in the development of hiking trials in forestry areas, a wonderful way to expose the beauty of the forests to a large number of people. He is also author and co-author of several forestry publications. He retired in 1999 and now lives on a farm in the Murraysburg district, living out his dream retirement as part of “a most generous and welcoming community.”

Tohoto was an excellent choice of venue for a talk on trees, as Mabel Joubert was proud to point out that her magnificent garden boasts 44 indigenous trees!

Article By: Sue Shaw

Valentine's Win

Esmé Finnis and the staff of Pep Stores Aberdeen on Valentines Day. Esmé won a cellphone from Pep Radio for the poem she submitted.

Article By: Sue Shaw

Off-Road Riding Course a Great Success

Instructor and host Derick van Rensburg

Thirteen eager motorcyclists gathered at the farm Wynberg last Saturday for a most enjoyable course on off-road riding. Some of the riders came from as far afield as Middelburg, although most were from Aberdeen or Graaff-Reinet. All the riders were competent on tar but came to the course with differing levels of skill at off-road riding.

Morné van Jaarsveld practising an emergency stop

Some of the topics covered included emergency braking – which created a lot of dust! - how to turn in tight corners, and various aspects of balance, both for the machine and rider.

Koos Lategan of Aberdeen practising stand and ride

Mark Hunter, one of the riders from Aberdeen, was very enthusiastic about the course. Hunter has been riding for about 25 years, but appreciated the “back to basics” aspect of the training. “After riding for so many years the bad habits get ingrained, and it was very useful to go back to the beginning and learn the correct way to do things.”

Mark van Rensburg and Morné Fitzhenry going through their routines

The participants all agreed that the course was very well presented, with the instructors setting just the right tone of being relaxed, but taking the lessons seriously.

Article By: Sue Shaw

Methodist Church Renovations

A dream came true for the members of the Methodist Church recently when Jan and Dulcie Nieuwmeijer of Cape Town visited Aberdeen. Dulcie and her sister were very interested to take a look around the church, as both had been baptized there, more years ago than they cared to remember! They were very pleased to see some renovation work being carried out by Ray Holdt, the church steward and, as a result of discussions with him, they made donations totaling R4000 .00 for the new fencing.

This fencing is similar to the existing fencing and will be erected later in the year. At present it is being stored in the vestry as there are still other areas of work that need to be completed before the fencing can be erected. The two top tiers of the bell tower still need to be painted, some brick work needs repairing, much of the guttering on the main church building needs to be repaired or replaced, and the fascia boards also need attention.

The best sections of the old fence will be used to repair the fence between the church and the neighbouring property, which is in a very poor state. Four trees are to be felled, and replaced with tall shrubs. It is hoped to be able to make benches in the garden from some of the felled timber. Holdt is at present also planning a wheelchair-friendly toilet for the church, and wooden ramps to enter the church from the vestry.

The members of the Methodist church, and indeed all those interested in preserving the heritage of Aberdeen, are very grateful to Ray for all the time and expertise he has donated towards the renovations. He in turn would very much appreciate any help that could be offered or any donations towards the project. The new fencing will need three coats of paint before it is erected – a time-consuming but not difficult job, which would perhaps be an ideal area for those prepared to lend a hand.

Article By: Sue Shaw

Happy Valentines!

Many shops and businesses in Aberdeen made a special effort for Valentines Day this year, and red and white outfits was to be seen in many stores. Local coffee shops had special treats for their customers, and the schools also allowed the children to wear red and white.

Tuin Kafee had a special Valentines promotion the whole weekend and their stoep was beautifully decorated for those who took advantage of the delicious four-course meal available. Jan-Hendrik Jordaan and his team are to be congratulated on a splendid effort!

Seen in the photo are Jan and Sonette Müller, a local couple who are obviously still very much in love!

Article By: Sue Shaw

Star Student from Aberdeen

Diana Kekana, a resident of Aberdeen, excelled in her exams with Boston City Campus in Port Elizabeth last year. Kekana, who many will know through her work with the Aberdeen mobile clinic, spent the last two years working at Central Clinic in PE, while studying part time.

Although about 30 years older than most of her fellow students, Kekana achieved an average of 82% for her final exams of the HIV/Aids Counselling and Management Programme. For these outstanding results, Kekana was presented with the award for Best Student (Part Time), and was also commended for her exceptional dedication to her studies.

Patients from Central Clinic were devasted to hear that she would be leaving PE. “She is a mother to us, always friendly and sympathetic...”, “We looked forward to her friendly smile and warm welcome...” are two of the testimonials from former patients of which she is justifiably proud.

PE’s loss is Aberdeen’s gain however, and “Sister Diana”, as she is known, will be back at the Masekane Clinic as from 28 February. Welcome back Sister, Aberdeen is proud of you!

Article By: Sue Shaw

Aberdeen Athletics Stars

At the recent trials held in Graaff-Reinet, 24 learners from Aberdeen were chosen to represent Camdeboo district primary schools in athletics. The Camdeboo team represents 13 different primary schools in the area, and they will compete against teams from Ikwesi, Blue Crane, and Baviaans. The top athletes from this will represent the Karoo at the Eastern Province trials in Port Elizabeth.

The Aberdeen Primary athletes with teacher in charge Mrs L Basson
Juanet Lammert, Howard Saaiman, Hillary Finnis, Keith Lawrence,
Nadia Maarman, Doneve Noni, Chrezilia Jack, Liaan Cedras, Denzil van Rensburg

Kamdeboo Primary learners with coach Mr H Jantjies
Back: Lorenzo Mars, Caden-Wade Finnis, Enzo Smith, Andrewnica Swarts, Gabriel Jansen, Zuretia Tenteni
Front: Duané Williams, Gode-Lee Witt, Caseley-Anne Job, Hugoline Saayman, Dingetjie Nortje, Shervonia September

Luxolo Intermediate: Shanaaz Khan, Miss N Nonnies, Fernando Kombani

Aberdeen is very proud to have so many learners chosen to participate for their region and wishes them well.

Article By: Sue Shaw