
This weblog is a portal for news and items of general interest from the town of Aberdeen in the Camdeboo area of the Cacadu district of the Eastern Cape, South Africa. The weblog's overiding purpose is to publicise the town and promote tourism in the region.

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Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Donations For Luxolo

Luxolo Intermediate School in Aberdeen has been the beneficiary recently of two magnificent donations.

As reported last month, the Luxolites, a group of past pupils of the school, donated money for new school uniforms for 27 needy children. These pupils range from Grade 1 to Grade 9, and in many cases two or more children from the same family are the recipients. They were very proud to come to school on Monday in their brand new uniforms for a photograph for the Advertiser!

The other very welcome donation came from Biblionef, a charity organization based in Cape Town.Their focus is to provide new books to needy children's schools and libraries throughout South Africa with emphasis on organisations in townships, informal settlements and in remote rural areas. Biblionef SA was established in August 1998 as a result of the conviction that literacy and education will be of prime importance to guarantee the success of the new South Africa. Its aim is to promote reading in disadvantaged communities. Biblionef firmly believes that all children should have the right to develop themselves in their home language. Their focus is to support under-resourced children with new, high-quality storybooks in our 11 official languages, including books in Braille.

By donating books, Biblionef is supporting schools in making resources freely available by helping to develop libraries and resource centres. Most of the funding is from corporate donors, both in South Africa and from overseas.

Luxolo was nominated by Mzikazi Nkele, the SES Librarian of the provincial education department in Graaff-Reinet. After completing the necessary forms, 166 books were received, mostly story books, in English, Afrikaans and Xhosa. Christo Frazenberg, the teacher in charge of the library at Luxolo, was delighted with the gift, as indeed are all the teachers and pupils.

In return for the donation, the school has been asked to identify a project to help their local community. Luxolo has chosen to help by organizing a litter clear-up in the community, which will be much appreciated by all. The school also has to submit a report to Biblionef, on how the books are being used, and the learners’ reactions to them. Judging by the delight on the faces on the children when the Advertiser visited the school, the response is very favourable indeed!

Principal Mr Jan Mathiale and Head of Department Mrs Janet Tinus would like to express their thanks to both the Luxolites and Biblionef for these most generous donations.

Some of the recipients proudly show off their new uniforms provided by the Luxolites, with Muriel Holmes, teacher in charge of uniform distribution, and Janet Tinus (HOD)

Keenan Witbooi (7) Nesipho Dunjana (7) and Estrolita Peters (10) reading from the new books donated by Biblionef, with Grade 2 teacher Nosipho Sota and Janet Tinus (HOD)