
This weblog is a portal for news and items of general interest from the town of Aberdeen in the Camdeboo area of the Cacadu district of the Eastern Cape, South Africa. The weblog's overiding purpose is to publicise the town and promote tourism in the region.

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Thanks to our many readers and supporters from all around the world for their words of encouragement - enjoy the news from Aberdeen.

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Friday, March 19, 2010

Aberdeen Heritage Archive & Tourism Bureau Launch

The Mayor of Camdeboo - Cllr Daantjie Japtha

Mrs Dallis Graham and Mrs Yvonne Moore

On March 15th residents of Aberdeen, Lotusville and Thembalisizwe were invited to attend a launch of the Diarama of the Aberdeen Cemetery, the Promotional CD of Aberdeen and other tourism projects on display.
The official Tour Guide (Ward 1) Thembisa Nonnies welcomed the Honorable Mayor Daantjie Japhta and his wife Shirley, Mr Ken Bern and Ms Belinda Vabasa of the Eastern Cape Development Corporation (ECDC), Mr Bokkie Bavula of the Department of Economic Development and Environmental Affairs (DEDEA), the Camdeboo Councillors, Mr Clive Kombani the Aberdeen Municipal Manager, the nearly 100 residents of Ward 1 attending and guests from Graaff-Reinet.
The Reverend Carol Cloete-Piedt of the Lotusville Congregational Church opened the occasion with a prayer for heartfelt development within our communities and the continuance of employment structured projects.
Mrs Dallis Graham gave an explanation of the main aim of the Bureau, which is to ensure that the heritage of Aberdeen, Lotusville and Thembalesizwe does not drift into nothingness. The intention of the Bureau was not to change things in the area, but to preserve and expand the knowledge of its heritage and to provide much needed employment through its projects and tourism initiatives.

Reverend Carol Piedt opening the launch

Mrs Dallis Graham and AHATB Tour Guide Thembisa Nonnies

In November 2009, Mrs Graham was invited to present a paper to the ‘Karoo Foundation Conference’ at Gariep. Here she briefly explained that this project of having a Heritage Archive and Tourism Bureau was conceived in 2005, when a concept document was drawn up and funding applied for through the IDP. In 2007 the document was presented to MEC Songoni, who saw merit in the concept, and advised that funding would be available for 2 years by ECDC and DEDEA. The project finally came to fruition in April 2009.
As Mrs Graham explained to the conference, a cc. was then formed, as there is much corruption within projects which has been seen time after time, and a cc. is totally transparent. Also due to the economic recession, and period of time since inception of the project and its eventual fruition, funding had not been sufficient. Mrs Graham then outlined the projected ideas:
1. The Archive. Here, unfortunately, documents and photographs available are purely from a ‘white’ perspective, but now the history of the black and coloured community will be orally recorded from interviews taken with the older generation
2. Schools. The Bureau will be working with the headmasters of all the schools in the areas with regard to projects, both historical and current for all learners.
3. The Cemetery. This is in the process of being researched, and a complete diorama is to be constructed to assist with the many enquiries received.
4. Boer War. The war activities in Aberdeen are to be recorded and displayed.
5. Tertiary Institutions. Both locally and internationally have shown interest in the area. This will be further explored.
6. Tourism. Tour guides will be fully trained in all aspects as is specified by government regulations. Aberdeen, Lotusville, Thembalisizwe and local farms in the area will be in the training programme of Wendy Van Schalkwyk the well known author of the book ‘Aberdeen’, who will assist in the advising of tour packages for the area. Her knowledge is essential and gratefully received.
This extensive operation of heritage, local employment and information gathering cannot sustain itself, and it can only be kept alive by people with a passion for this area, and a genuine desire to improve conditions of the local community.

Professor Orlando Meyers, Mrs Wendy Van Schalkwyk
and Councillor Knott-Craig

Councillor V. Jacobs with Mr Clive Kombani & Bokkie Bavula

Maureen Mac Andrew, Judy Mac Mahon,
Russel Mulholland and Val Denham

Mrs Graham then went on to say that in the first year much had been achieved. Donations and contributions had been made, of Boer war rifles, old cameras, and the entire contents of the original Aberdeen Pharmacy, old photographs and artifacts. These have all been documented and are being held in trust. The community is also being assisted with services being offered for the typing and printing of CV’s, tenders, letters, etc., I.D. photographs and the laminating of documents.
The webmaster from Cape Town, who owns and maintains the incredibly popular website aberdeen-sa.co.za and keeps all the Aberdeen and district’s news alive on this linked weblog, has given unwavering and impartial support to all of the Aberdeen community projects. After a website had to be resurrected as the original one was financially crippled by an unscrupulous ‘so called web designer’, it has gone from strength to strength. Statistics reveal that from July to December 2009, 109 638 hits were registered, while in January 2010, 32 695 hits were already recorded, not only from South Africa but from all around the world.
This website service is provided without charge or costs to Aberdeen and a great deal of gratitude is owed to Mike for this phenomenal service to the community - even from afar. His wife is also involved in supporting the local community projects.
Mrs Daniela Hamblin is to be acknowledged for her work in identifying the cacti and succulents in the garden of the Heritage building. Each indigenous plant will be named and tagged by a ceramic identification marker with assistance from the Divue Kilae Ceramic Sculpture Project.

Aberdeen Librarian Mrs Val Denham with Mrs Dallis Graham

Thembisa Nonnies and Mrs Grace Godlo

Nikolas Jankovich and Marlon de Jager

Mrs Graham reiterated that ‘...the Aberdeen Heritage Archive and Tourism Bureau as the CTO, represents Ward 1 of the Camdeboo. This evening was not only to bring everyone up to date on the happenings of this Bureau but to launch this incredibly meticulous diarama of the Aberdeen Cemetery. The detail is correct and up to date, and it is a most important part of Ward 1 heritage’.
This Aberdeen cemetery has for years been the pride of Mr van Heerden, a self-appointed custodian, who recently very sadly passed away. With his assistance and that of Mr Clive Kombani the Aberdeen Municipal Manager, the cemetery register was researched and recorded on the diarama.
Mrs Yvonne Moore, Mr van Heerden’s daughter, spoke in recognition of her father’s life and care of the cemetery and the guests were then given access to this 'work of art', a truly magnificently structured diarama of the entire cemetery set out in perfect detail. Every grave is named and numbered for reference purposes and a complete itinery of this site is recorded electronically. All involvement in this structure should be applauded.
The ‘CD’ of life in Aberdeen was also launched, and is being bought by visitors to the town.
Mayor Daantjie Japhta then spoke of his great involvement with Aberdeen, and his desire to see the Bureau go from strength to strength in bringing tourism to Aberdeen. He said ‘I will walk the road with the Aberdeen Heritage Archive and Tourism Bureau.’ The Mayor then expressed his gratitude to people like Mr Carlos De Sousa who has brought fame to Aberdeen and who gives employment to local people. He then read an inspiring poem to Mrs Shelagh Miller Wood in acknowledgement of all her unstintingly generous work with the local children over the years, and he thanked Hilary and Dallis Graham for all that they are doing for Aberdeen, Lotusville and Thembalisizwe. He hoped that community support will be shown to all these projects.

Mr Clive Kombani and André from the Aberdeen Municipality

Hilary Graham in conversation with Gideon Botha

Leonie Fouche and Samanatha Jankovich at the AHATB launch

Mrs Yvonne Moore enjoying the occasion

Tour Guide Thembisa Nonnies explaining
the Diarama of the Aberdeen Cemetary
to Mr Clive Khombani and Mrs Shelagh Miller Woods

Article By: Joan Tinker

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Gordon Verhoef & Krause Donation To Restore Aberdeen Kennels

Mrs Lynn Holdt receiving the cheque from Mrs Dallis Graham

The Aberdeen Kennels, originally built by the local residents according to reports in 1988/89, are about to be restored and hopefully financially assisted on a monthly basis.
The kennels originally had a committee which was formed in the 1980’s with a lease drawn up by the local municipality to hire ground. The cost of hiring the ground was R1.00 per year. Over the years those in Aberdeen respectful of the lives and conditions of the local animals, assisted in the running of these kennels. People such as Mr Gary & Mrs Marie Grey, Mrs Myrna Pocock and her husband, a Mr & Mrs Scholtz who owned the local pharmacy, a Mrs Margaret Exall, Gill Lundin, Mr Prins Heyns and now our present day ‘animal protector of note’, Mrs Lynn Holdt.
Before Mrs Lynn Holdt came to live in Aberdeen, Mrs Maureen Mac Andrew was the Animal Protection Society representative here. Maureen worked with K.A.P.S., a Barrydale based non-profit organization covering the Little Karoo, in establishing control of animal challenges and problems, and Veterinarians from the Western Cape came on a purely voluntary basis, to sterilize, neuter and assist in animal dipping. Maureen Mac Andrew must be acknowledged for the wonderful work that she did as the K.A.P.S. representative during this time.
Mr Ray & Mrs Lynn Holdt, who were living in Calitzdorp and doing sterling work there on behalf of K.A.P.S., decided to move to Aberdeen and continued with this selfless work. Over the years Lynn has run the animal protection project here in Aberdeen with her helpers, doing work which was over and above the call of duty.
The Aberdeen Kennels at this stage was being funded by the S.P.C.A. and being run by Mr Prins Heyns with minimum finance. This finance only provided for the cost of the food, for although it was also a boarding kennel, strays and abused animal were also housed there. When Mr Heyns stopped working at the kennels, there was literally no one to care for these animals or to run the kennels.
Then the S.P.C.A. decided to relinquish its interest in the Aberdeen Kennels and Lynn Holdt - at her own expense - kept the strays housed and fed whilst a solution to this problem was found. This also involved the Municipality, as the ground belonged to them. Mr Clive Kombani, the Aberdeen Municipal Manager, was extremely helpful in assisting this project and generous Aberdeen residents gave Lynn much needed finance from time to time. This became a financial burden for her, as help was not always forthcoming.
A year ago a new Aberdeen resident Mr Colin Kraut, observed a very expressive plaque on the famous ‘Cat’ in the garden of the Aberdeen Heritage Archive and Tourism Bureau. It was explicit in its condemnation of the company who had renovated an Aberdeen building in 1988 and had destroyed swallows nests in the process. Knowing a director of this company who is an animal lover, Colin advised him of this bad publicity about his company. A representative of the company was duly sent to Aberdeen to view this plaque and had a meeting with Mrs Dallis Graham at the Bureau. The representative requested that the plaque be removed. Mrs Graham advised him that this was impossible but said that another plaque could be placed at the foot of the statue thanking the company for a donation to resurrect the poor condition of the Aberdeen Kennels and she specified the exact amount needed. After a board meeting, the finance was agreed upon, and on Monday 15 March, Mrs Graham was pleased to hand over the cheque from Gordon Verhoef & Krause to the value of R14 240.00 to Mr and Mrs Holdt to begin repair work on the existing kennels. Mrs Graham has also achieved firm commitments from friends in Aberdeen, Durban and Cape Town to fund by means of monthly debit orders, partial finance to help pay for food. This will be a totally non-profit venture by Lynn and Ray Holdt. It is people like these mentioned in the article - the ones who actively get involved and achieve results or effect change - who are valued in Aberdeen.

Article By: Joan Tinker

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Interesting Theatrical Artists Visit Shelagh Miller Woods

Gillian Gregory, Shelagh Miller Woods & Betty Fox in Aberdeen

Shelagh Miller Woods played hostess this past week, to old friends. A past business partner and a companion dancer and choreographer.
They came to visit a very dear friend and toured the Cape and the Karoo with much enjoyment. Betty Fox, who was Shelagh’s partner in the business of training dancers for London shows, and Gillian Gregory who danced in Broadway shows and had the distinction of being the first English Choreographer to win a ‘Tony Award’ in New York at the Marquis Theatre on Broadway for "For Me and My Girl" in 1987, were our V.I.P. guests this week.
Shelagh and Betty have known Gillian since she was 18 years old, and as they are all now retired it has been a long friendship.
Shelagh, who recently celebrated her 80th birthday, drove to Cape Town on her own from Aberdeen to collect Betty and Gillian from the airport. The three friends then toured around the Cape, guided by Lucy Graham. They visited Robbin Island, Knysna Heads, the well known Sedgefield Market, saw wildlife at Addo Elephant Park, and tomorrow they drive to Port Elizabeth on there way back to Teba in Spain for Betty and to Shropshire in England for Gillian. They have thoroughly enjoyed their South African experience, and being here in Aberdeen with Shelagh.

Article By: Joan Tinker

Professor Commissioned To Establish Project

Graaff-Reinet - In 2006, Professor Hilary Graham from the University of Fort Hare and Rhodes, wrote to council that a heritage archive project as a tourism venture be started in Aberdeen. When discussed in a meeting of the ward committee of Aberdeen, the Mayor and Camdeboo council were so impressed to the extent that Professor Graham was commissioned to establish this project in Aberdeen.
A steering committee was established, council made a municipal building available and this project - which is one of the real flagship projects to better the lives of the people and especially the disadvantaged people in the Camdeboo - was underway.
The full details will only be discussed at the official launch on Monday 15 March 2010, but the Mayor and his wife were invited by the Grahams for a sneak preview at the archive and ceramic projects in Aberdeen.
Both were impressed by the work done and look forward to the launch. “It’s people like Hilary and Dallis that make Camdeboo tick and it is their contribution to upliftment and empowerment of the disadvantaged that make me proud” said Mayor Japtha. “Thumbs up and viva Camdeboo
Abridged Mayoral Article Extract - Advertiser, Friday 12-Mar-2010

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Aberdeen’s Loss – Klipplaat’s Gain

Mrs Samantha Jankovich and Captain Rene Sweetland

A farewell lunch was organized for Captain Rene Sweetland today March 16 at the home of Mrs Samantha Jankovich, Chairperson of the Aberdeen Sector policing Forum. This was attended by Captain Edgar Minnaar, police colleagues and friends. A farewell gift was presented to Rene in appreciation of her friendship and the tremendous input which she has given to the community. With 19 years of policing experience and a wealth of knowledge, Captain Rene Sweetland has been promoted to take over the Klipplaat area in the Karoo. Renee did her basic police training in Bishop Lavis in 1991 and whilst working in Aberdeen as a Sector Police Manager, she initiated and worked in cooperation with the Sector Policing Forum for Sector 1 Aberdeen.
Rene has had a successful career time here in Aberdeen, and she is well known, respected and admired. Rene, who is well known for her ability to work with children, was instrumental in starting a ‘Youth Forum’ amongst Grade 11 learners who were initiated into community work with codes and morals attributed to Sector Policing.
Rene has always made herself available to the general public on all issues, and has even prevented a bank robbery here in Aberdeen.
Rene has two daughters who are still at school, and in her time of transition to becoming Station Commander of Klipplaat area, they will be looked after by her family. Residents in Aberdeen, Lotusville and Thembalisizwe will miss her friendly but authoritative presence in all areas of need and at all times. Her colleagues and friends wish her a safe and good life in Klipplaat. She will be missed.

Article By: Joan Tinker

Aberdeen General Notice Board For All

(fltr) Inspector Sakkie Heyns, Captain Rene Sweetland,
Mrs Samantha Jankovich and Captain Edgar Minnaar with New Notice Board

On 16 March 2010, a general purpose notice board was officially recognized as being an instrument of communication between all the residents of Aberdeen, Lotusville and Thembalisizwe. Captain Edgar Minnaar, Captain Rene Sweetland, members of the Aberdeen Heritage Archive and Tourism Bureau, members of Sector 1 SPF and members of the public were there to applaud this initiative.
This notice board was an initiative of the Sector Policing Forum for Sector 1 - Aberdeen, and it was donated by the Heritage Archive and Tourism Bureau to be erected in an area where most of the local peoples congregate, the central business area of Aberdeen.
Mrs Shelia Miller Wood initiated this idea of having a more informed community via the notice board, and Shelia was there to witness the first notice being displayed. Mrs Tilly Beneke gave permission for this board to be erected on the wall of the building outside Vroutjie-se-Koutjie, where the keys will be kept, should any person wish to display a notice on the board.
It was necessary to refurbish the original notice board, and this was done by Mr Louis Koehne. Replacement of a new glass frontage was done by Mr Clinton Douglas, and Mr and Mrs N. Jankovich donated the cost of the refurbishment.
General rules of public notices will be displayed, and Aberdeen Sector Policing Forum Ward 1 will have a section for display of information the police wish to publicize. This notice board will also be available to advertise political meetings. It is yet to be determined whether a small cost will be levied on notices displayed for costs which might be incurred in maintaining this notice board.

Article By: Joan Tinker

Another Successful Year For Aberdeen Publicity

(fltr) Mayor Jafta, Jean Watermeyer, Cllr Booysen & John Weldon

The Annual General Meeting of the Aberdeen Publicity and Tourism Office (APTO) was held last week at the Aberdeen Club.
Mrs Jean Watermeyer (outgoing chair) presented an interesting report, highlighting some of the many successful initiatives undertaken by APTO during the year. She thanked the outgoing committee for all their hard work and dedication.
Mrs Watermeyer was thanked in turn for her tireless enthusiasm and deep commitment to Aberdeen. She was unanimously re-elected as chairperson with Canon John Weldon as Vice Chairman. The combined posts of secretary and treasurer were very ably filled by Gloria Peniston, who will continue with these responsibilities. Gaye Day produced succinct minutes throughout the year, and has also been re-elected. Other committee members are Sandra Bowker, John Chamen, David Millar and Louis van Zyl.

Gloria Peniston presented Lyn Holdt with the 1st prize from the AGM Raffle

Johnathan Bowker was thanked for all his hard work in creating and maintaining the APTO's new website and he will continue as Communications Officer this year. The post of Publicity Officer is to be shared between Peter and Sue Shaw.
The attendance of the Mayor Jafta and Ms A Booysen was much appreciated. Councillor Booysen’s portfolio is Tourism, and she expressed her support for APTO, promising to attend future committee meetings. The Mayor congratulated the new committee and eagerly anticipated working closely with them during the year.

Article By: Sue Shaw