
This weblog is a portal for news and items of general interest from the town of Aberdeen in the Camdeboo area of the Cacadu district of the Eastern Cape, South Africa. The weblog's overiding purpose is to publicise the town and promote tourism in the region.

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Thanks to our many readers and supporters from all around the world for their words of encouragement - enjoy the news from Aberdeen.

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Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Aalwynhof relaunches Club 60

Last week, by popular demand, Aalwynhof Old Age Home relaunched Club 60, a monthly get-together for residents and community members. Debbie Barnhardt of Aalwynhof welcomed everyone who attended, and spent some time determining what members expect and would like from the club.  Many ideas were suggested, and it was decided that a variety programme of talks, entertainment, music and some comedy would be put together each month.

It was proposed that an outreach committee should be formed to contact and visit those people who were housebound or isolated and may need help. A list of those needing help would be drawn up, with details of their needs, be it shopping or just some company. Those present were asked to help compile the list, and ask the elderly people they know if any help is needed.

The business concluded, Christa Beyers read a most entertaining story about false teeth which had become separated from their owners, which was thoroughly enjoyed by all. Gina de Beer then told a humorous story which was also much appreciated. Tea and cake were then served, and all tucked in with gusto.

Aalwynhof is very fortunate to have the services of many volunteers, many of whom work quietly behind the scenes. Some come to chat and help the residents with errands and shopping, and others come to entertain the residents. June Chamen visits almost every day and helps many with odd jobs such as filling in forms and running errands, and also just providing a friendly ear to those who want to chat. Christa Beyers is another of the regular visitors, who provides a lovely personal “spoiling” touch of washing and styling hair.

This first meeting of Club 60 proved to be a great success, and all those present said they were looking forward to the next social meeting. Anyone who would like to become involved with Aalwynhof, in any capacity, would be very welcome, and should contact Debbie Barnhardt at the Home.

The outreach committee of Aalwynhof :  Marthie Swanepoel, Yvonne Moore, Prudence Vorster, and Ray Holdt

Regular volunteers at Aaalwynhof, June Chamen and Christa Beyers with Debbie Barnhardt