
This weblog is a portal for news and items of general interest from the town of Aberdeen in the Camdeboo area of the Cacadu district of the Eastern Cape, South Africa. The weblog's overiding purpose is to publicise the town and promote tourism in the region.

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Thanks to our many readers and supporters from all around the world for their words of encouragement - enjoy the news from Aberdeen.

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Thursday, August 6, 2009

August 2009 Aberdeen Garden Club Meeting

An interesting and thought provoking talk about the Huichol Indians was given to the members of the Aberdeen Garden Club at their monthly meeting on Thursday 6th August.

Michael Brown, author of ‘The Presence Process’ and ‘Alchemy of the Heart’ spoke about the Huichol Indians, their customs and traditions. Michael who lived in Arizona in the United States for 10 years, gave the club members an unusual and deep insight into the Huichol’s relationship with the earth, their belief systems and their wonderful ’hands on’ development of both the mental and physical upbringing of their children to the child’s eventual maturity to becoming an adult. The Huichol Indians live mostly in the southern part of Mexico.

An interesting aspect was the Huichol’s 7 year structure of the child’s development and the similarities of the celebrations of these structures to those of the western world.

The Aberdeen Garden Club meeting was extremely well attended and enjoyed by all.

Article By: Joan Tinker

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Caltex Sponsers Aberdeen Skins Bowling Tournament

On Saturday 31st July and Sunday 1st August a ‘Skins’ bowling tournament was held at the Aberdeen Bowling Club. The two days were a great success and enjoyed in good weather by bowlers from Graaff-Reinet, Middleburg, Somerset East, Murraysburg and Milpark Club in Port Elizabeth.
The attendance of bowlers at this year’s tournament exceeded all other’s. Clive Berlyn, a Director of Caltex Eastern Cape Brand Marketers, initiated this sponsorship which is in its second year. Co-sponsor was Tienie Appel of Volks Delta Aberdeen who organized all the very festive banners, and presented the prizes. The catering was a group effort by the Aberdeen and Port Elizabeth lady members.

Chairperson of Aberdeen Bowling Club, Tony Featherstone thanked Tienie Appel for once again acquiring the sponsorship from Caltex Brand Marketers on which this club depends for a tournament of this size and the prizes, which are a necessary part.
Tony Featherstone also thanked Robert Scott Jnr. most sincerely for his organizational skills which contributed to a smooth running and successful tournament.

The Milpark team from Port Elizabeth won the highest ‘skins’ award of R850.00.
In a small Karoo town like Aberdeen, it was very evident that this two day event was successful due to the group effort of all the club members and the involvement of their wives, husbands and friends.

Article By: Joan Tinker

Congratulations To Aberdeen SAPS Police Constable Sambudla

On Saturday 1st August a house was broken into in Aberdeen while the resident was quietly enjoying a game of bowls. When the house owner returned later that afternoon he discovered the back door and security gate broken, he immediately went to the police community station to report the ‘break-in’. When he entered the office, he was surprised and very grateful to be shown that all the belongings that had been stolen from his house had already been recovered. This occurrence shows the extreme resourcefulness and awareness of Aberdeen Police Constable Sambudla.
On Saturday afternoon while on duty, Constable Sambudla became aware of the suspicious movements of a man loitering around a few properties. The Constable watched the activity of this man who disappeared for a time. When he next encountered the loiterer, he was carrying a smart leather case. He appended the then "suspect" taking him back to the community centre, and found that the leather case was full of articles this man would not normally be in possession of.
The police Constable and an Aberdeen Detective from the C.I.D. Branch then searched the illegally entered property, taking finger prints, assessing the damage and taking a statement from the house owner. The suspect is awaiting court hearings and will be kept in custody until that time.

Article By: Joan Tinker

Congratulations To A.B.E.T. Teachers & Learners

(fltr) Jillian Rafferty, Suzette Kameel, Facilitator, Esteline De Jager, Androline Grobbelaar

The community is very grateful to have such dedicated teachers who volunteer their time under the auspices of Adult Basic Education Training Centre. They continue to teach those in our community who need learning as a life skill, and to those learners who need to further their education. The learners, who were studying this year, have achieved very good results. These results can only further employment for the communities of Aberdeen, Lotusville and Thembalisizwe.

Article By: Joan Tinker