
This weblog is a portal for news and items of general interest from the town of Aberdeen in the Camdeboo area of the Cacadu district of the Eastern Cape, South Africa. The weblog's overiding purpose is to publicise the town and promote tourism in the region.

If you wish to make any contributions, please send an email to webmaster@aberdeen-sa.co.za and it will be considered for possible inclusion in the weblog.

Articles of a personal or vindictive nature will not be entertained on this weblog, nor will inflammatory religious items or those of a racial, inciteful, derogatory or party particular political nature. Please feel free to exercise your right in this regard on your own website or weblog - if you don't have one, you can easily create one. If you still feel extremely strongly about such issues or don't agree with the views here, you are most welcome to get up from behind the safety & sanctity of your keyboards and out & about in our town, where you can proactively change things - if you have the necessary will, intellect, integrity, perseverance and ability to deliver.

Thanks to our many readers and supporters from all around the world for their words of encouragement - enjoy the news from Aberdeen.

The opinions expressed here are not necessarily those of the Webmaster.


Monday, June 28, 2010

New “Advertiser” Correspondent in Aberdeen

The Graaff-Reinet Advertiser is pleased to announce the appointment of Mr Peter Shaw as its official correspondent in Aberdeen, following the resignation of Ms Joan Tinker.
Shaw, who runs his own internet blog, has to his credit a couple of novels and hundreds of articles, including several articles for this newspaper, book reviews, and similar features. He co-owns with his wife the well known bookshop in Aberdeen, which also publishes its own newsletter.
Before coming to Aberdeen a couple of years ago, he ran a bookshop and a bookbinding workshop in Johannesburg, which did a lot of work for Wits University, large legal practices, as well as students and book collectors. His wife, Sue, is an avid photographer and scrapbooker, and has promised to assist – Shaw himself is partially deaf.
Organizers of local events, and in fact anyone with a newsworthy local story, should contact Peter or Sue at the bookshop or on 083 794 2262.
Article By: Peter Shaw