Police Forum Meeting with a difference!
The meeting last week of
Constable Akona Mbi presented the police report, which concerned yet another break-in at the Showgrounds and a case of possession of stolen property – a sheep carcass. It was mentioned that, after all the effort and expense of upgrading and repairing the grounds for the recent angora championships, the municipality are now considering putting security there, a move that would be welcomed.
Warrant Officer van Rooyen would be in charge of the launch of the campaign for sixteen days of activism against violence against women and children. This would involve members of the CPF going from door to door on Thursday, distributing information, and then a community meeting in the afternoon at the Sopkombuis in Lotusville.
Mixed results were reported in the follow-up to matters arising at the previous meeting. Emails had been sent to the municipal manager in connection with the need for an active peace officer, with no response. This was to be followed up by the chairperson Ian Hamblin once again. Regarding the unskilled trimming of trees in the town, and the offer of experienced advice and help, reaction in council seemed to be mixed, and the issue still needs to be resolved.
The matter of information cards for residents, particularly the elderly, detailing emergency contact numbers, was discussed, and a sample of a previously used leaflet was shown around. Nicola Woods offered to draw up a new card based on this, and it was decided that they would be distributed at the next meeting of Club 60 and at Aalwynhof, and be available in local coffee shops.
Some progress is being made in the matter of the empty and abandoned properties in town. An official from Graaff-Reinet has visited
It had been noted at the previous meeting that the notice board in
A question was raised about the bicycle that had been donated by a previous chairman of the committee to be used to patrol town. Constable Mbi reported that all three of the bicycles were broken, and were due to be replaced by SAPS. It was felt that bicycle patrols would be a valuable addition to the visible police presence.
It was decided that no meeting would be held in December, and that the next meeting will be at the police station on Tuesday 31st January. It is not known at this stage who will be replacing Constable Mbi as the police representative.
The chairman closed the meeting by wishing Constable Mbi well for her maternity leave, which was due to start the following week. This was the signal for the arrival of Sabelo, her husband –and a surprise baby shower! Each of the members had brought along a plate of eats and a small gift for the couple, and a delighted Akona was quite overcome by the gesture. She was amazed that her husband had been able to keep it a secret from her! Her gifts ranged from the practical items needed for a new baby to “spoiling” presents for the parents, and the young couple wasclearly delighted with the gifts and genuine warm wishes of all. The mothers in the group could not resist offering helpful advice -most of which seemed to be “don’t listen to what everyone else tells you, follow your instincts and don’t let anyone interfere”!
Akona will be returning to her home town of
Akona and Sabelo Mbi are toasted at the surprise baby shower