
This weblog is a portal for news and items of general interest from the town of Aberdeen in the Camdeboo area of the Cacadu district of the Eastern Cape, South Africa. The weblog's overiding purpose is to publicise the town and promote tourism in the region.

If you wish to make any contributions, please send an email to webmaster@aberdeen-sa.co.za and it will be considered for possible inclusion in the weblog.

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Thanks to our many readers and supporters from all around the world for their words of encouragement - enjoy the news from Aberdeen.

The opinions expressed here are not necessarily those of the Webmaster.


Friday, December 9, 2011

Paint Donation

Kamdebo Primary School were the fortunate recipients last week of a supply of paint and equipment to the value of almost R50 000. This funding is from a project initiated by the MEC for Education, identifying schools in need of a revamp.

Kamdebo was the only Aberdeen school to apply, and principal Willem Säfers was delighted when their application was successful. Mica in Graaff-Reinet were selected by the department as suppliers, and they have also delivered to schools in Willowmore, Graaff-Reinet, Somerset East and Pearson.

Säfers has appealed to the parents of the school to help with the painting, as no funds have been allocated for labour. He feels that this is a chance for the parents, who may not be able to assist the school financially ,to show their support, as many are unemployed and do have the time available to help.

Hugo Saayman, chairman of the SGB, Werner Furter of Mica, and principal Willem Säfers with some of the large quantity of paint received by Kamdebo Primary.