Noluvo Feni, who is the probation officer from Aberdeen Social Development coordinating crime prevention and support, has recruited three ex-offenders from the community to be trained in carpentry. The aim of the project is to teach ex-offenders a skill that is in demand, that will enable them to open a small business and earn a living, thus keeping them away from further criminal activities.
A budget of R30 000 was provided to the department for reintegration of ex-offenders, which includes payment for the trainers. Gcobani Kolweni of GrobisizweBuilding Construction in King Williams Town travelled to
They received their certifiacates of competence in carpentry skills at the end of last month, and are now eager to start work. Anyone who is able to offer them work can contact them through the social development personnel at the municipality.
The newly trained carpenters proudly showing their certificates, with Noluvo Feni and Thembani Tshobo from Social Development
Fltr : Thembani Tshobo,