Birthday Celebration
Aalwynhof Old Age Home in
Instead of bringing presents, guests were asked to bring a donation of non-perishable food for the home. “I was inspired by a tea party last year, where the “birthday girl” (aged 78!) asked people to donate to Aberdeen Kennels instead of bringing presents” he explained. “I am very grateful for all that Aalwynhof does, and wanted to show them my appreciation”. The guests were more than happy to comply – after all, it is always very difficult to know what to buy a man for a present!– and goods ranging from home-made jams to chocolate vermicelli to bags of rice.
About forty guests enjoyed a delicious lunch of lasagna and salads, and all agreed that this was a very special occasion. The total mass of all the goods was about 70kg – a welcome gift indeed.
Sylvia Gouws and Alfred Samson , staff at Aalwynhof, show off just some of the goods donated after the recent birthday party