Mrs Jean Watermeyer (outgoing chair) presented an interesting report, highlighting some of the many successful initiatives undertaken by APTO during the year. She thanked the outgoing committee for all their hard work and dedication.
Mrs Watermeyer was thanked in turn for her tireless enthusiasm and deep commitment to Aberdeen. She was unanimously re-elected as chairperson with Canon John Weldon as Vice Chairman. The combined posts of secretary and treasurer were very ably filled by Gloria Peniston, who will continue with these responsibilities. Gaye Day produced succinct minutes throughout the year, and has also been re-elected. Other committee members are Sandra Bowker, John Chamen, David Millar and Louis van Zyl.

The attendance of the Mayor Jafta and Ms A Booysen was much appreciated. Councillor Booysen’s portfolio is Tourism, and she expressed her support for APTO, promising to attend future committee meetings. The Mayor congratulated the new committee and eagerly anticipated working closely with them during the year.
Article By: Sue Shaw