
This weblog is a portal for news and items of general interest from the town of Aberdeen in the Camdeboo area of the Cacadu district of the Eastern Cape, South Africa. The weblog's overiding purpose is to publicise the town and promote tourism in the region.

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Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Aberdeen General Notice Board For All

(fltr) Inspector Sakkie Heyns, Captain Rene Sweetland,
Mrs Samantha Jankovich and Captain Edgar Minnaar with New Notice Board

On 16 March 2010, a general purpose notice board was officially recognized as being an instrument of communication between all the residents of Aberdeen, Lotusville and Thembalisizwe. Captain Edgar Minnaar, Captain Rene Sweetland, members of the Aberdeen Heritage Archive and Tourism Bureau, members of Sector 1 SPF and members of the public were there to applaud this initiative.
This notice board was an initiative of the Sector Policing Forum for Sector 1 - Aberdeen, and it was donated by the Heritage Archive and Tourism Bureau to be erected in an area where most of the local peoples congregate, the central business area of Aberdeen.
Mrs Shelia Miller Wood initiated this idea of having a more informed community via the notice board, and Shelia was there to witness the first notice being displayed. Mrs Tilly Beneke gave permission for this board to be erected on the wall of the building outside Vroutjie-se-Koutjie, where the keys will be kept, should any person wish to display a notice on the board.
It was necessary to refurbish the original notice board, and this was done by Mr Louis Koehne. Replacement of a new glass frontage was done by Mr Clinton Douglas, and Mr and Mrs N. Jankovich donated the cost of the refurbishment.
General rules of public notices will be displayed, and Aberdeen Sector Policing Forum Ward 1 will have a section for display of information the police wish to publicize. This notice board will also be available to advertise political meetings. It is yet to be determined whether a small cost will be levied on notices displayed for costs which might be incurred in maintaining this notice board.

Article By: Joan Tinker