
This weblog is a portal for news and items of general interest from the town of Aberdeen in the Camdeboo area of the Cacadu district of the Eastern Cape, South Africa. The weblog's overiding purpose is to publicise the town and promote tourism in the region.

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Friday, May 15, 2009

Peaceful High School Pupils’ Demonstration

Article Updated
Aberdeen Secondary School pupils demonstrated in Aberdeen Town this week over the right to have the subject “Life Science” taught to them in their mother tongue Afrikaans. A newly appointed English speaking teacher had been chosen to replace their existing teacher, and as the pupils had not been given a valid reason for this change or for the reason why they should not be taught in their home language, they were extremely unhappy about the circumstances, although the average mark attained was well below a pass.
This situation arose as a vacant post was advertised within the Provincial Department of Education, with a view to employing a teacher with the correct qualifications, also with a view to bringing a measure of discipline into the school, and as a future support for the Principal of the school in the form of a Deputy Principal.
The Director of Education for the Graaff-Reinet Districts Mr Kane, who has achieved a “No1 School Status” in the Eastern Cape, had realized that Aberdeen Secondary School has been grossly under achieving in terms of their results and in discipline. He therefore took a holistic view of the situation and made a decision not on subject matter only (Life Science) in which a dire need for improvement was evident, but on all aspects. He therefore made the decision to override the Governing School Body’s recommendation according to the School’s Act, and appoint a more suitable candidate who could fulfill all aspects of the position.
As politics is never far from the surface of any happenings in a small town, the Principal of Aberdeen Secondary School Mr Kamfer, invited the leaders of all the political parties and their committee members to attend and assist, together with the Governing Body of the School, the Department of Education, the Aberdeen Police Commander, SADTU and parents of the children.
On Friday 15th appreciating how volatile the situation could become, police reinforcements were sent from Graaff-Reinet, but by 1pm the “back-up” police contingent had left Aberdeen and the local police community office reported no incidents. At a 3 hour meeting on Thursday14th decisions were made, however the school community remain dissatisfied with the situation and accordingly Mr Kani has undertaken to meet with the parents of the school during the forthcoming week to discuss the issues further. Those present at the meeting on Thursday have resolved to be available in playing a supportive role in the following week until all issues have been resolved.

Article By: Joan Tinker