Morning sunshine streamed into the comfortable lounge area from large windows, and a dining table was decorated with flowers, candle lights and later with cakes, delicacies and savoury snacks. Each chair was decorated with flowers and Padgie Pienaar had made a beautiful corsage for everyone. A laminated prayer for mothers was given to all attending this celebration.

Most of the elderly woman residents had survived their husbands, and some of them had children living in different parts of the world. Many had grown up without knowing the love and comfort of having had a mother. A few of the “oumas” shared experiences of their lives, and of their gratitude for those memories, and a general prayer was said in thankfulness for having had good and productive lives.
These mothers, some who are of an earlier generation, are now being cared for in this remarkable place, Alwynhof. It is a sunny comfortable home with pretty cared for gardens. Alwynhof relies on donations from the general public and Sister Pierce, in the closing prayer, gave warm thanks to all those people who continue to contribute so generously.
Article By: Joan Tinker