
This weblog is a portal for news and items of general interest from the town of Aberdeen in the Camdeboo area of the Cacadu district of the Eastern Cape, South Africa. The weblog's overiding purpose is to publicise the town and promote tourism in the region.

If you wish to make any contributions, please send an email to webmaster@aberdeen-sa.co.za and it will be considered for possible inclusion in the weblog.

Articles of a personal or vindictive nature will not be entertained on this weblog, nor will inflammatory religious items or those of a racial, inciteful, derogatory or party particular political nature. Please feel free to exercise your right in this regard on your own website or weblog - if you don't have one, you can easily create one. If you still feel extremely strongly about such issues or don't agree with the views here, you are most welcome to get up from behind the safety & sanctity of your keyboards and out & about in our town, where you can proactively change things - if you have the necessary will, intellect, integrity, perseverance and ability to deliver.

Thanks to our many readers and supporters from all around the world for their words of encouragement - enjoy the news from Aberdeen.

The opinions expressed here are not necessarily those of the Webmaster.


Friday, May 18, 2012

Soup Kitchen

Last weekend Yvonne Frazenberg of Aberdeen decided to treat some of the local elderly residents to a soup kitchen with a difference – instead of soup, the guests were treated to a delicious hot pudding and pack of fruit.

Frazenburg sent invitations to local churches, inviting any people over sixty who had birthdays during the months of January, February or March to come and join her and her team of volunteers at the Sop Kombuis in Lotusville on the Sunday afternoon..

The afternoon started with a prayer, and then a spirited rendition of Happy Birthday was sung by all. The oldest guest was Dora Saayman, aged 87, who very much enjoyed the hot caramel pudding. Each guest was given a lucky number, and the four whose numbers were drawn were given the table bouquets of flowers to take home.

The meal, fruit parcels and flowers were all donated by Frazenburg, who is a very active member of the community. She was assisted on the day by friends and family: Zelda Frazenburg, Leonie Bedaar, Augustine Frazenburg, Veronique Saayman and Margaret Boesak. Well done ladies, this is a treat that those lucky enough to attend will remember for a long time!

Yvonne Frazenberg (back) leads a rousing chorus of Happy Birthday. Eldest guest Dora Saayman front left (hat)


Helpers Zelda Frazenberg, Leonie Bedaar and Augustine Frazenberg