
This weblog is a portal for news and items of general interest from the town of Aberdeen in the Camdeboo area of the Cacadu district of the Eastern Cape, South Africa. The weblog's overiding purpose is to publicise the town and promote tourism in the region.

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Thanks to our many readers and supporters from all around the world for their words of encouragement - enjoy the news from Aberdeen.

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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Offroad Riding Course

Nine riders, including a rather delicate looking but surprisingly tough young lady, took part in the recent off-road riding course run by Country Trax.

The course was held on Wynberg farm, home of Derick van Rensburg, who together with Marchant Maasdorp from George provided the instruction for the day.

Annelle de Klerk from Pretoria, who is currently working on contract in Cradock, was the sole female rider. She joined the course to improve her riding skills, particularly in the areas of balance and manoeuvering in tight places. De Klerk very much enjoyed the day, and despite falling many times, she felt she had gained tremendously from the experience. “I learnt many things I didn’t know about the clothing worn while riding” she said. “Socks with vertical ribbing should be worn on long trips to help the circulation, especially important on long drives. I also did not realize that thermal underwear should also be worn in summer, to absorb sweat and keep the body cool”. De Klerk, who has only been riding for just over a year, had found that being short gave her problems when the bike reached a certain angle, and she was very pleased to learn how to overcome this problem.

Derick van Rensburg will be joining other instructors on an annual refresher course in De Rust early in January, and after this hopes to be able to host another course later in the summer.

Ignes Verwey follows instructor Marchant Maasdorp around the cones


The happy but tired group of off-road riders after the course

Back fltr

Jason du Preez, Schaun Flesch, Marchant Maasdorp and Derick van Rensburg (instructors), Johan Botha, Mark van Rensburg (assistant), Koos Jordaan, Ignes Verwey

Front fltr Gareth van Rooyen, Kevin van Wyk, Richard Weppelman

Annelle de Klerk sits on the bike