
This weblog is a portal for news and items of general interest from the town of Aberdeen in the Camdeboo area of the Cacadu district of the Eastern Cape, South Africa. The weblog's overiding purpose is to publicise the town and promote tourism in the region.

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Thanks to our many readers and supporters from all around the world for their words of encouragement - enjoy the news from Aberdeen.

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Saturday, February 13, 2010

Frightening Environmental Disaster At Uncontrolled Aberdeen Dumpsite

The entrance to the dump site off the N9 is strewn with rubbish, just dumped at intervals on the sides of the dirt road to the dump site itself, by lazy, unconcerned and uncaring Aberdeen, Lotusville and Thembalisizwe residents. The litter is blown and distributed by wind all over the area causing a health hazard to the town and surrounding areas. Rubbish fills drainage systems, coats the fencing with plastic bags of all colours, shapes and sizes, with contents unknown. Plastic containers roll around in the wind and discarded tires, broken cardboard boxes, old magazines, tin cans and stale food are amongst the more seemly of this disgusting litter that is practically on the N9 and is also moving up the opposite hill side.
There is no security or gate control to this site and definitely no apparent organization. No notice informs the public of times when and where designated dumping is permitted, and where it is prohibited, so residents dump rubbish when and where ever it suits them.
Fencing to the area surrounding the dump site has either been broken, trodden down into the ground, or it has been stolen.

The view from the dump site area stretches for miles around, with plastic bags containing who knows what decorating the Karoo.

At some stage a toilet facility for the “unseen workers” was erected at the dumpsite. This is a solemn monument to the site itself. The building speaks volumes. Graffiti covers the filthy dirty walls. The door to this disgusting non functional toilet facility has been stolen, as has the toilet, which gives an excellent view of the rubbish piled up inside. To venture in further than the open door way, would be a grave health risk.
An aerial view of this site should be sent to Mayor Daantjie Japhta who basks on the pages of the Advertiser as having the 'most functional Camdeboo Municipality'. Congratulations Mayor!
It should also be brought to the attention of Mr Monde Longbooi, who should assist Mr Clive Kombani with this massive problem which is already out of hand. How long is it since any official of the government environmental or health services has paid this dump site a visit? It would also be a good idea for all residents to venture out to the dump site to see exactly how they are all living on the edge of a health and environmental disaster and how their rubbish is being distributed over the Karoo, because the rubbish does belong to the residents of this town.

On Tuesday 2nd February, when the truck arrived at the dump site and tipped off the load of rubbish, people suddenly appeared from behind the tall dump and started sifting through the bags. Then the municipal employees on the truck unloaded old computers and other electrical goods. Local children, who should have been at school, started breaking up these electrical goods, and taking parts of the equipment.
This practice of ‘going through’ bags of rubbish is a health risk to these people.
The Aberdeen dumpsite should be managed and secure. Guidelines for the disposal of domestic waste should be clearly adhered to, and detailed planning should be put into place. Collection, transportation, treatment and final disposal of rubbish, is obviously not being managed. There could be hazardous waste in the rubbish bags, and this would only be known to the disposer of such items, so control and security of this dumpsite is vitally important.

Article By: Joan Tinker