Young Aberdeen student Aden Esau achieved the only National Senior Certificate which met with the University requirements for admission to higher education from his school. His meritorious and substantial achievement level has been applauded by Mr Kerneels Kamfer the Principal of Aberdeen Secondary School, who stated that “Aden was a dedicated, obedient learner who is a good example to all and the Aberdeen Secondary School is extremely proud of him”.
Mr Kamfer said that Mrs Marlene Van Rensburg, a coordinator from the Department of Education of the Eastern Cape, was in the process of investigating a bursary for Aden in the form of a teacher’s diploma.
Aden is an extremely mature and thoughtful young man. He is blessed with a vision for the future and the ability to be aware that his community is struggling with unemployment, lack of motivation, illegal drug usage and alcohol abuse amongst the young people, Aden said that the learners had tried hard with their studies, but peer pressure and lack of parental control was a de-motivating factor. He would be very interested in obtaining a qualification in ‘Social Studies’, he feels that with correct knowledge and qualification he might be able to assist his community.
Aden interviewing Casca Graham
from the UK as part of the Kyle Project
During the school holidays Aden worked for the Kyle Project which looked at the branding of the Cacadu Region, for this Aden went to Port Elizabeth for training. His work took the form of gathering information in a questionnaire put to visitors and tourists regarding the seven wonders of the Cacadu Region, and their impact on tourism. Mrs Dallis Graham, who nominated him for the Kyle Project, stated that "Aden is a personable young man who has achieved an incredible feat and deserves all the assistance possible”. Mrs Graham said she saw great things ahead for Aden and that she would be making an application to a University in Johannesburg which is funded by the ‘Dell Family’, Richard Branson and Lord Joffe amongst others. They accept exceptional students. This university has a full campus and educational studies are free.
It is hopeful that this hardworking, clever and talented young man is given the opportunity to further his education towards his interests. Aberdeen, Lotusville and Thembalisizwe need this quality of young emerging talent.
Article By: Joan Tinker