It was a solemn occasion, and the service was conducted in both Xhosa and Afrikaans.
A message of gratitude was delivered by the Apostolic Ministers to those who had put devotion to duty above all else, and a prayer was said wishing the public to be diligent in remembering this sacrifice.
The Apostolic Choir led the congregation with a lyrical rendition of ‘How Great Thou Art’, ‘Give me joy in my heart’ and ‘Amazing Grace’.
The Bishop encouraged the police officials to continue to work with devotion to duty, putting aside any partiality, the taking of bribes, any type of corruption, and developing trust and respect within their community, thus being an example to the youth.
Police Officer Derek Erasmus thanked all those present for sharing this day with the police officers and their families and paid respect to those who had passed away. They will always be remembered.
Article By: Joan Tinker