The Educators appointed to instruct and teach those members of the community who have had no formal education, hold classes after school hours in the classrooms of Kamdebo Primary School.
Instruction by the Educators in the basic skills of reading and writing is also given to farm workers when they return to their homes on Saturdays and Sundays.
This program started originally with only 20 adults has over a two year period excelled both in its learning achievements and strength of numbers in basic skill learners. The age group of learners ranges from 30 years of age to 73 years of age, and to witness the satisfaction and enlightenment of these people who are able to read and write their own names for the first time at the age of 73 is heart warming.
Mrs Muller is always attempting to bring more people into her classes who are in need of basic reading and writing skills. She can always be reached at 0820532581.
Article By: Joan Tinker