In his professional presentation, Jankovich-Besan displayed visual photographs which gave witness to the dreadful decline of the source of Aberdeen’s water “The Eyes” in the Fonteinbos area.
The meeting was held in the Aberdeen Heritage Archive and Tourism Building, and the Aberdeen residents were welcomed by Mr Hilary Graham who introduced Count Nikolas Jankovich-Besan.
The Agenda of this meeting was simply the current reality of what is happening to the water system referred to as the ‘Lei water.’ This system provides private homes with a water flow to their gardens on the eastern side of Aberdeen.
In his address, Jankovich-Besan explained how he researched the water supply, the channels through which the ‘lei water’ runs through Aberdeen, the Fonteinbos Dam and the storm water drainage problem.
Jankovich-Besan explained that there are challenges associated with every aspect of Aberdeen’s water supply. ’The Eyes’, from which the water flows, has four sources of delivery, of which only three are working. The Fonteinbos Dam is three quarters full of silt, and the channels through which the ‘Lei water’ flows is usually full of rubbish. The uncontained storm water flows freely, flooding parts of Lotusville.
To preserve the source of the water at ‘The Eye’, conservation needs to be exercised as trees around this sensitive area are being cut down for firewood. This area also needs to be kept free of sand build up. Ten to twelve years ago, municipal teams kept this area pristine, and this can be achieved again, but pressure needs to be kept on the Municipality, as many of the channels feeding water supply to the town are broken.
Jankovich-Besan stressed that there is a good relationship with the Municipal Manager, and municipal workers are already clearing the water source area.
Important information in a ‘Municipal Budget for 2010’ would shortly be drawn up, and with the assistance of a ‘Lead Water Working Committee,’ which Jankovich-Besan has called this meeting to elect, they could bring pressure on the Municipality to make all the water supply areas to Aberdeen and surrounding areas, one of their top financial priorities. The Committee could amongst other challenges, research the resources of the Municipality.
The response of Aberdeen residents to this working committee is enthusiastic and supportive, and the residents expressed a genuine desire to assist this project in saving all aspects of the town’s water.
Fifteen Aberdeen residents were elected to form the ‘Lead Water Working Committee’ out of which, positions for a formal working committee will be formed. This Committee will meet to form a ‘working document’. The first meeting to form this committee will be held on Wednesday 21st October 2009 at 6pm at the Heritage Archive and Tourism Building.
Aberdeen residents are invited to give handwritten notification of any problems concerning the water flow in Aberdeen to Jankovich-Besan, who also gave an open invitation to all residents to accompany him on an instructive tour of the Fonteinbos area.
The ‘Lead Water Working Committee’ appears to be working under the motto “Let Us Be of Service to One Another”.
Article By: Joan Tinker