Hosts Ernest Rajcumar and Ramsey McCaull
Diwali is celebrated on Amavashya of the Kartik Month, so on Saturday 17th October Ernest Rajcumar and Ramsay McCaull enjoyed the ‘Festival of Lights’ with friends in Aberdeen. Their magnificently appointed private dinning and entertainment area was lit by rows of strategically arranged candle lights, and as the guests arrived, they were presented with vegetarian sweetmeats, coconut slices, and were wished ‘Shubh Diwali’.
In the entertainment lounge, friends relaxed on the long low wonderfully comfortable couches and enjoyed pre dinner snacks in soft candlelight, the relaxed atmosphere created by Hindu music. The custom of exchanging gifts was done at dinner, and each guest received a differently coloured and embroided pashmina.
Guest Carlos De Sousa at The Festival of Lights Celebration
Ramsay and Ernest had prepared spiced vegetarian dishes for the dinner, and this was followed by figs in honey, cheeses and a dessert specialty. Ernest explained that whilst preparing these gastronomic delights, a Hindu prayer had been said, as this was the custom.
This ‘Festival’ is the most popular of celebrations from South Asia by Jains, Sikhs and Hindus. It extends over 5 days and it represents the victory of good over evil, light over darkness and knowledge over ignorance.
It is also recognized as the welcoming back of Rama and his wife Sita, after Rama had vanquished the demon Ravana. Regardless of the mythological explanation, the ‘Festival of Lights’ today stands as a reaffirmation of hope, a renewed commitment to friendship and goodwill, and a religiously sanctioned celebration of the joys of life.
A Diwali saying says it all: “The night is black, kindle the lamp of love with thy love and devotion”.
Article By: Joan Tinker