About 80 “Harleys” took the day off from Graaff-Reinet to take the scenic ride to Aberdeen on Thursday 25th September. It was quite thrilling for Aberdeen to resound to the full throated roar of these beautiful black and chrome gleaming motoring monsters.
They rode slowly around the main street of Aberdeen giving the locals a vision of motor cycle mastery, and parked outside the various watering places in the local C.B.D. to the fascination of children and adults alike. I am not sure what was admired more, the bikes, the shining black leather outfits, or the blondes inside the black leathers.
At the “Lemon and Lime” where coffee, pancakes, and the famous lemon meringue was totally sold out, two of the hardworking waitresses decided to try out the motor cycles. Their visit was a great success.
Article By: Joan Tinker