
This weblog is a portal for news and items of general interest from the town of Aberdeen in the Camdeboo area of the Cacadu district of the Eastern Cape, South Africa. The weblog's overiding purpose is to publicise the town and promote tourism in the region.

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Thanks to our many readers and supporters from all around the world for their words of encouragement - enjoy the news from Aberdeen.

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Friday, August 1, 2008

Unsung Heros Of K.A.P.S. In Aberdeen

The Karoo Animal Protection Society is run by unpaid volunteers who love, care, and protect animals. It is run exclusively on donations - there is no government funding.
This Society must not be confused with the S.P.C.A. in Aberdeen, but works in tandem with them.
Ray and Lynn Holdt with the help of Maureen Mac Andrew and Trevor Noni, who is completely conversant in English, Afrikaans and Xhosa, are all truly the unsung hero’s of Aberdeen.
Lynn and Trevor do weekly inspections in Aberdeen, Lotusville and Tembalesizwe. This is a difficult task and in some cases they have to call on the police for protection from owners or animals, when they seize a severely abused animal for the animal’s own protection.
One of the challenges Ray and Lynn face is indiscriminate breeding, distemper outbreaks, tick infestation, dogs dying of “cat flu” and the dumping of puppies and kittens on the front verandahs of Aberdeen residents' homes.
Once a year, two vetenarians and their assistants come from Cape Town to Aberdeen to neuter and sterilize dogs and cats. They do their work in the community hall in Tembalesizwe and in the Sopkombuis in Lotusville.
This is a difficult and challenging task, as the owners of dogs and cats who need this small operation, and who can hardly afford to feed the one animal that they have, are not forth coming in bringing their animals for this service, which is given free to the under privileged and to pensioners.
In the Western Cape, one of the bylaws states that unless a person is a registered breeder, they may not keep an un-spayed bitch. Ray and Lynn are hoping this bylaw will be included in the Eastern Cape’s bylaws soon.
Ray and Lynn need sponsorship in creating an educational pamphlet for all the local communities on the care of animals. They would also appreciate the donation of old deep-freezers and fridges for the use as kennels for dogs on the very cold Karoo nights.
At present Ray and Lynn do not have dedicated premises where they can care for sick and abused animals, so their own home is used for this purpose. K.A.P.S. assists with part payment for all expenses towards medical fees, and hopefully the owners cover the remainder of the expense.
Aberdeen is very grateful to Ray and Lynn for the selfless work that they do, and we hope that donations will continue to come in to assist them in their work.

Article By: Joan Tinker