
This weblog is a portal for news and items of general interest from the town of Aberdeen in the Camdeboo area of the Cacadu district of the Eastern Cape, South Africa. The weblog's overiding purpose is to publicise the town and promote tourism in the region.

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Saturday, August 30, 2008

Dress Designer Relocates To Aberdeen

Janet Prestwich, a dress designer from the Peack District in Matlock in the U.K., has recently become a new resident of Aberdeen. The reason for Janet being here is that Robert her husband is the South African N.G.O. for “Philisa Project” generating funds for a place of safety for Aids orphans in Kidd’s Beach in East London.
So why live here in Aberdeen and not East London? A family connection persuaded Robert to live and work from Aberdeen, which proves the wonder of computers.
Janet studied at the Art College in Derby in England and specialized in dress design, textiles and knitwear. Janet then came to South Africa to work for the Frame Group in Durban, and lectured in dress design at the Port Elizabeth Technicon in Summerstrand.
It was here in Port Elizabeth that she met Robert Prestwich who was studying architecture.
Janet and Robert then went to live in the U.K. for 30 years, where Janet had a Boutique and Designer Studio where she catered for individual requests and sizes. Here Janet made ball gowns, matric dresses, wedding gowns and occasional and everyday wear.
Janet has always had a passion for design which she demonstrated when she designed and made thirty vestment garments for the choir at Saint Giles Cathedral in England.
Janet has brought with her to Aberdeen beautiful fabrics and industrial design machines which will open up job opportunities for seamstresses who will also be taught fabric printing and knitting.
Janet plans to open a boutique very soon and this will be announced in the local press.It will be an evening event where Janet will show her clothing and fabrics. In the short time Janet has been in Aberdeen, she has demonstrated a very attractive style of dressing and her presence here and her Boutique will certainly give all the woman of Aberdeen and surrounding areas a great deal of wonderful ideas. It will be such a boost for all the matriculants of Aberdeen, Lotusville and Thembalesizwe to have their dresses made locally and of course all the future brides as well. We look forward to a woman’s society that does not live by jeans alone!

Article By: Joan Tinker