
This weblog is a portal for news and items of general interest from the town of Aberdeen in the Camdeboo area of the Cacadu district of the Eastern Cape, South Africa. The weblog's overiding purpose is to publicise the town and promote tourism in the region.

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Tuesday, November 22, 2011


The hostel ‘t Kriegershoekje in Aberdeen was opened recently by visitors from Holland Dr Eric Wolff and Dr Marion de Bruïne.

The hostel, situated in Cathcart Street, is the brainchild of Arpana and Bert Schade, from Kriegershoek, a private nature reserve outside Aberdeen. The farm children from Kriegershoek all attend school in Aberdeen, with the majority being accommodated in the Aberdeen Primary School’s hostel. However a problem common to all farm children is that there is no hostel for the children once they reach secondary school level. At present these children have to stay in the townships with family or friends, which is not always ideal.

In 2009 Schade bought the property in Cathcart Street, and in 2010 the first two Kriegershoek children moved into the small cottage at the back, with housemother Joyce Ludick. As the children on their farm progressed through primary school, Bert and Arpana realised that more accommodation would be needed, and so work started to renovate the main house. They are very grateful to Arno Romijn, who has carried out the restoration work at cost.

As from January 2012, the hostel will be ready for occupation, with space for between fourteen and twenty children. It will be open to all farm children of secondary school age, but Schade stresses that it will only be for farm children.

The hostel will be run under the auspices of the Arpana Foundation, a non-profit organization founded by the Schades, which has the welfare of children as one of its core aims. Eric Wollf and Marion de Bruïne are long-standing members of the Foundation, and have known the Schades for many years – Eric was at school with Bert. Due to their very generous donation, the hostel will be able to be equipped with new beds, furniture and other necessary equipment.

Children staying in the hostel will be carefully supervised, and will be expected to help in the house and garden. The parents will be expected to pay for the children’s food, but the accommodation costs will be covered by the Foundation. There will be a strict code of behaviour, and rules for both the children and their parents, as the Schades feel that the parents must be fully involved in their children’s schooling.

Guests at the opening included Kerneels Kamfer from Aberdeen Secondary School and Jan Mathiale from Luxolo Intermediate School. Because of its intermediate school status, Luxolo has pupils in grades eight and nine, who then move to Aberdeen Secondary – it is these pupils who will be able to apply for the hostel. Both men were very excited about the possibility of a safe and well-supervised place for their learners. “Many children drop out of school because they don’t have anywhere to stay, so this will be wonderful for our community” said Mathiale. Kamfer agreed, adding  that he really appreciated the  investment in our area and for the children of Aberdeen.

Anyone who is interested in applying for a place at the hostel can contact the Schades on 072 993 7140 or Joyce Ludick on 083 722 4734

Guests at the opening of ‘t Kriegershoekje hostel in Cathcart St

Fltr  Jan Mathiale. Joyce Ludick, Bert Schade, Eric Wollf,Arno Romijn, Arpana Schade, Marion de Bruïn, Kerneels Kamfer

Bert Schade, Marion de Bruïn and Arpana Schade celebrate the opening of the new hostel