
This weblog is a portal for news and items of general interest from the town of Aberdeen in the Camdeboo area of the Cacadu district of the Eastern Cape, South Africa. The weblog's overiding purpose is to publicise the town and promote tourism in the region.

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Thanks to our many readers and supporters from all around the world for their words of encouragement - enjoy the news from Aberdeen.

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Thursday, March 3, 2011

Methodist Church Renovations

A dream came true for the members of the Methodist Church recently when Jan and Dulcie Nieuwmeijer of Cape Town visited Aberdeen. Dulcie and her sister were very interested to take a look around the church, as both had been baptized there, more years ago than they cared to remember! They were very pleased to see some renovation work being carried out by Ray Holdt, the church steward and, as a result of discussions with him, they made donations totaling R4000 .00 for the new fencing.

This fencing is similar to the existing fencing and will be erected later in the year. At present it is being stored in the vestry as there are still other areas of work that need to be completed before the fencing can be erected. The two top tiers of the bell tower still need to be painted, some brick work needs repairing, much of the guttering on the main church building needs to be repaired or replaced, and the fascia boards also need attention.

The best sections of the old fence will be used to repair the fence between the church and the neighbouring property, which is in a very poor state. Four trees are to be felled, and replaced with tall shrubs. It is hoped to be able to make benches in the garden from some of the felled timber. Holdt is at present also planning a wheelchair-friendly toilet for the church, and wooden ramps to enter the church from the vestry.

The members of the Methodist church, and indeed all those interested in preserving the heritage of Aberdeen, are very grateful to Ray for all the time and expertise he has donated towards the renovations. He in turn would very much appreciate any help that could be offered or any donations towards the project. The new fencing will need three coats of paint before it is erected – a time-consuming but not difficult job, which would perhaps be an ideal area for those prepared to lend a hand.

Article By: Sue Shaw