
This weblog is a portal for news and items of general interest from the town of Aberdeen in the Camdeboo area of the Cacadu district of the Eastern Cape, South Africa. The weblog's overiding purpose is to publicise the town and promote tourism in the region.

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Sunday, April 4, 2010

Aberdeen Easter Book & Crafts Market

This is the second successful 'Craft Market' Sue and Peter Shaw have held at their venue in Aberdeen.

Easter Saturday felt more like a warm spring morning than the beginning of autumn. The arts and crafts were displayed on the cool front verandah, under the leafy trees in front of shop, and in the sunshine behind in an area where teas, coffees, ginger beer, borewors rolls and David Miller’s usual tasty offerings were served.

Eastlynne Nelson-Tansley of Cape Town was serving a delicious honey-lemon brew filled with herbs, sliced lemon and topped up with ice in champagne glasses. Her recipe was freely given, and copied by everyone tasting this refreshing cordial.

Daniela Hamblin of Aberdeen had a variety of fresh homemade pastas and spinach pesto. Spinach, butternut, beetroot pastas and those made with and without egg were among the choices. Daniela was well known in Durban for her home made pasta making business.

Tanya van der Merwe had chocolate lolly-pops on sale and intricately made Easter offerings shaped into caricatures of Mickey and Minnie Mouse. These would be a treat for a children’s birthday party anytime of the year.

Graaff-Reinet was represented again by Ester Scholtz of Hadassah Textile Designs. This enterprising, talented and versatile young artist has much to offer, always bringing a Karoo feel to her material designs.
Handmade crafts were very evident, among them an attractive, cleverly constructed bird-feeder made by one of the local children.

Liezl Smith of LMS Creations of Graaff-Reinet had intricate silver jewelry on display. Necklaces and earrings, up to date in their style, are tasteful and elegant.

Rose de Smidt had Rosita Home Décor on show, another very welcome exhibitor from Graaff-Reinet.
The SPCA was well supported as usual, as it displayed cakes and goodies difficult to pass by.
There was good variety among those exhibiting, and for ‘book-browsers’ there were boxes and boxes of books at the ridiculous price of R1.00.

Joy Sharpe knitted outfits for a doll, which was raffled by Brigid Nicolson (Joy's granddaughter) in aid of Aalwynhof Old Age Home. Through this initiative, Brigid raised the grand amount of R420.00, which was presented to Tilly Beneke of Aalwynhof. Jean Watermeyer was the lucky winner of the doll.

(fltr) Tilly Beneke, Jean Watermeyer, Joy Sharpe & Brigid Nicolson

Congratulations to the Shaws for their enterprise and all the participants who provided a tasty, fun morning.

Article By: Joan Tinker - Raffle Section/Photo: Peter Shaw