
This weblog is a portal for news and items of general interest from the town of Aberdeen in the Camdeboo area of the Cacadu district of the Eastern Cape, South Africa. The weblog's overiding purpose is to publicise the town and promote tourism in the region.

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Thanks to our many readers and supporters from all around the world for their words of encouragement - enjoy the news from Aberdeen.

The opinions expressed here are not necessarily those of the Webmaster.


Sunday, February 21, 2010

Lack Of Commitment By Aberdeen Municipality

A small survey was done on highlighting the state of Aberdeen, Lotusville and Thembalisizwe. This survey shows a complete lack of commitment to the town and surrounding areas by the Municipality. It clearly shows their lack of ability to perform important tasks in maintaining a clean and workable town, with water which should be available to all. People in Lotusville and Thembalisizwe get little water. The lack of trust and confidence in the Aberdeen Municipality is evident, and this must be rectified, if not by local government, then by higher authorities. The Premier of the Eastern Cape should be requested to visit Aberdeen. All political parties should highlight the predicament that Aberdeen is facing.

Comment from Chairperson of the DA in Aberdeen Samantha Jankovich:
1. The filthy state of the building on the corner of Hope Street: The Municipality confirmed that the owner had given an undertaking to improve the building in June 2009. No results as yet.
2. Shift workers were requested to clean up after Saturday morning shoppers as tourists invariably pass through the town on weekends. No response since August 2009.
3. The Municipality was requested to assist with garden refuse. No response to this request.
4. The Municipality was requested to clean up Lotusville, for which the residents must also take responsibility, as the state of the suburb is disgusting. No response to this request and Lotusville resembles a dumpsite.
5. Punitive measures should be taken against “serial litterers” such as Bangladeshi’s in Grey Street, and the shop owners on the corner of Hope Street. Empty cartons are left lying around with litter which gets blown into the Lei water Channels in the case of Grey Street.

Comments from Owners of Karoo Moons Aberdeen:
1. Documents were submitted to the Municipality 2 years ago to approve signage for Karoo Moons. No response as yet.
2. The Municipality fails to instruct owners of derelict properties to maintain their properties. These properties are left in an uninhabitable condition for years. This has a devaluation effect on Aberdeen.

Comments from Aberdeen resident Ian Hamblin:
1. Cars race along Grey and Cathcart Streets irrespective of Stop signs ‘still in place’.
2. The Municipality should consider making all intersections 4 way stops.
3. In certain areas of Aberdeen “stop signs” have been removed. The Municipality should have replaced these months ago.

Comments from Hyper Foods in Aberdeen:
1. The lack of public toilet facilities in town. This is the reason why nearly every tree in Aberdeen and behind most buildings reeks of urine. There is a building in town centre which supposedly houses toilets. Why is this not being made available to the public and controlled by the Municipality? No organization or initiative.
2. Lack of rubbish bins outside of Hyper Foods. The Lei water Channels are being used as a rubbish bin. The Municipality was requested to provide these. No result as yet.
3. Although Aberdeen has water restrictions, Hawkers wash their cars using municipal water which carries a fine. Nothing is being done to stop this practice.
4. Electricity accounts have escalated this month. No reason has been given by the Municipality.

Comments from Aberdeen Tuinkafee:
1. People who come into town on ‘all pay day’ and on Fridays and Saturdays have no where to sit. The Municipality provides no benches in the public square.
2. Shoppers have no option but to sit on the roadside.

Comments from Aberdeen resident Ms Sandra Bowker:
1. The state of the dump site is of great concern.
2. Non-or-selective enforcement of Aberdeen By-laws e.g. keeping farm animals in a residential area.
3. Non-or-selective enforcement of Aberdeen By-laws e.g. using residential properties for business use.
4. Not ensuring owners keep their properties/land clean and tidy.
Examples of litter filled properties can be seen which is both unsightly and unhealthy and devalues the area.
5. The Municipality needs to change its arrogant attitude and start engaging with residents. The Municipality staff should be reminded that they are public servants and the residents of Aberdeen pay their wages.
6. Although the Library Hall kitchen tap, which was highlighted in the Advertiser as streaming precious water for over a year, this, the Municipality has as yet not repaired.
7. Invasive plants which are threatening near the LBK/TuinRouteAgri Building have still not been dealt with.
8. Advice for the Municipality is to replace its administrative staff.

As Aberdeen D.A. Chairperson Samantha Jankovich remarked, “For a town run under the best Municipality in the country, this state of affairs is untenable and something must be done to facilitate ensuring that Aberdeen is kept neat and clean.”

Article By: Joan Tinker