
This weblog is a portal for news and items of general interest from the town of Aberdeen in the Camdeboo area of the Cacadu district of the Eastern Cape, South Africa. The weblog's overiding purpose is to publicise the town and promote tourism in the region.

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Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Luxolo Intermediate School Honours Learners

On Friday, 27 November, Luxolo Intermediate School held an awards ceremony to honour the outstanding performances of its pupils for 2009.
A tent, erected in the central quad of the school, protected the learners from the searing heat, while parents and dignitaries sat along the corridor.
The ceremony was opened by Rev. Carol Cloete-Piedt who reminded the learners that God provides us all with our own toolbox filled with talents, abilities and choices and that it is up to each individual to use our own tools to create the life we wish to live.
Other guest speakers included, student – Vuyisa Mazabangqa, parent – Miss Maudy Godlo, Principal – Mr Mathiale and Miss A Cornelius of the Department of Social Development.
Also present at the ceremony was special guest, Mr Luvo Jacobs who had taken leave from his job in Johannesburg to attend the ceremony. Luvo is the co-ordinator of the Luxolites, a group of past-pupils who raise money to sponsor learners from extremely disadvantaged homes with stationery, school uniforms and outings. Mr Mathiale thanked Luvo for his dedication and hard work in serving the school and its learners. Several of those sponsored by the Luxolites were diploma recipients, including Ntombentsha Yoyo who was awarded two academic diplomas.
The programme was interspersed by performances by the school choir, who despite a limited rehearsal schedule, were outstanding as evidenced by the enthusiastic applause from the assembled crowd.
The prize-giving ceremony was a culmination of a year of hard work from the dedicated staff and learners with over 400 diplomas awarded to deserving students.
Well done, Luxolo!!

Article By: Luvo Jacobs